Thursday 6 September 2007

Sadness in the Fog

Polish game developer Nibris, who tantalised us with gorgeous footage and concept art for their unique gothic horror game Sadness last April, and then promptly stopped showing us anything, are back on the radar.

The last I heard was that Frontline Studio's were no longer working with Nibris and to be honest it all looked a little bleak for this Wii only game. Despite Nibris steadfastly saying they were continuing to work on Sadness there has been nothing new shown for a long time.

I've recently learnt however that it's odds on that the game is still in development. Yay! Nibris have signed with Fog Studios the entertainment industry representation firm. FOG chairman and CEO Ed Dille said, "When we evaluated Nibris and their highly anticipated Wii title Sadness, we saw a high level of creativity, passion and devotion to innovation."

This game is a very exciting prospect indeed and news that Fog Studios evaluated Nibris and liked what they saw is, I'm sure, music to many Wii gamers ears.

If you don't know what Sadness is all about, where have you been since last April? It's a historic action adventure set pre 1914, not in the 1930's as some games sites would have you believe, in a Slavic country and is presented entirely in black and white. The style, atmosphere and feel of the game is a tribute to pre World War 1 cinema while the gameplay promises to be entirely refreshing. Nibris themselves are boldly claiming that this will be a AAA title.

Let's hope this game makes it to the shops with all the claims intact and this Fog doesn’t turn out to be the same that invaded John Carpenter's quiet seaside town.

Tell us how happy you are to hear that Sadness is still in the pipeline or tell us how sad you are that it's not even close to release on the Gameov3r Forum

1 comment:

TCM said...

hello,how are u there..??