Wednesday 5 September 2007

Packaging Pains

Blister packs...
Where to start?... Surely the most appropriately named packaging material in the world.

There are many different grades for this stuff, ranging from the slightly flexible, mildly annoying type that can usually be tackled with a tool known as 'scissors'. You might find this surrounding your new USB memory stick for example and I've rated this with a 'rage factor' of 3.
At the complete opposite end of the scale we have this...

A rage factor 10 if ever I saw one!

Microsoft just love the stuff. I imagine if you worked for Microsoft, sitting still at your desk for too long could result in being blister packed yourself! I'm told by a reliable source that Bill had to be removed from this by the fire brigade.

Apparently their packaging design offices consist of no traditional materials at all such as bricks or glass. It's all just one completely seamless see-through plastic shell inpenetrable by the most advanced tools known to man.

We asked Bill what it's like to work in an environment like this.

"I have 100 billion dollars... You realise I could spend 3 million dollars a day, every day, for the next 100 years? And that's if I don't make another dime. Tell you what - I'll buy your right arm for a million dollars. I give you a million bucks, and I get to sever your right arm right here", he said.

I kind of feel he lost the question somewhere but it did give me a chance to respond. Bill, I'd happily let you sever my right arm for a million bucks if I hadn't already successfully achieved it trying to get into your damn packaging!

Show us your blisters on the GAMEOV3R Forum and vote for your favourite packaging!

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