Wednesday 19 September 2007

Rubber Johnnies

You probably gathered already that I’m back. My sincere apologies for loosing the plot last week. Thankfully our Forum Butler, Captainff, worked wonders and restored all of my marbles. He said there were a few missing so he topped up any gaps with Stella so I’m happy. Happier than ever for some reason.

On to business, when was the last time you played around and you didn’t use any protection? The last time you didn’t use a little rubber friend? I, like a good Family Fortunes researcher, surveyed 100 people* and I was astounded by their responses. Do you people not realise the implications of your actions! This is a serious issue we’re talking about here. Possibly life threatening and you could save yourself a whole lot of trouble just by spending £8.

When did I last play unprotected you ask? Every night.

My Wii remote is as naked as the day it was created and is proud to be. It has never been dropped, bashed, thrown or immersed in liquid. It is still as shiny as polished metal and it will remain that way even though I play with it almost everyday.

The reality is that I’ve yet to even see even one Wii remote dropped by anyone never mind one being launched at the TV or used to accidentally decapitate someone. There is little chance, if any, of the remote sailing across the room and damaging itself or you or your loved ones so it’s plainly ridiculous that anyone should spend their hard earned cash wrapping their fabulous looking Wii remote in rubber. It’s not even like the remote is fragile. Apply the same logic to every item in the house you’d probably be living in something closely resembling a bouncy castle and be bubble wrapping your wine glasses before use.

The item under scrutiny here is a Thrustmaster T-Protect. Marvellous isn’t it? Can you imagine such an ugly thing wrapped around your remote? I’ve seen better looking swamp donkeys. It’s completely impractical too. It only protects the edges of your remote so if you’re a bit clumsy there are more bits unprotected than not. Worse still, not only do you have to take off the T-Protect to change batteries it prevents the remote being charged in a docking station. Even Thrustmasters OWN docking station. D’oh!

It really is nothing short of ridiculous that companies are trying to get us to buy protective rubber cases for our great looking Wii remotes. The remotes are gorgeous and robust and they don’t need protection. Oh, and neither do we.

*I made this up.

Latex fetish? Tell us on the FORUM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oddly though I have never seen a confirmed broken window / tv / lamp shade etc. The wife has managed (whilst playing bowling of all things) to hit a glass full of drink and splatter it all over the coffee table, tv remotes, magazines, wii clickers and floor.

Not that a little rubber friend would help against this onslaught of liquid evil, but there you go !!!