Tuesday 25 September 2007

Cry Me A River

I think of all the graphical improvements that have come along in this HD next gen era, the one that impresses and pleases me the most is water. I've been playing a lot of BioShock recently and the stuff is everywhere. Dripping down the walls, pouring through the ceiling and sitting in puddles on the floor. In some rooms you're knee deep in it and I love it! Despite the obvious problems with getting a decent plumber I can't take my eyes off it, and it's wasted more of my time in non-gameplay moments than anything else.

It takes me back to the time me and Matt were playing Gears of War online around the time we both bought our Xboxes and I said to Matt, you have to come and look at the sea! So off we trotted in the middle of this battlefield and stood side by side looking out over the balcony to the horizon with all thoughts of the ugly aliens baring down on us put right to the back of our minds. It really was a romantic little moment that neither of us mention anymore, but now I'm sharing it with you. It never would have worked with me in Birmingham and him in Scotland anyway! All joking aside I think we made a connection that day that eventually led to us helping GAMEOV3R create this place.

Anyway this has all got rather soppy now and all this reminiscing has brought a tear to my eye.... actually no, it's OK, I think they're just watering a bit.

Need a good plumber? Maybe someone knows one on the GAMEOV3R Forum... Oh and tell us about some graphics that blow you away while you're at it

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