Friday 5 October 2007

Tetris Splash Out

This Wednesday a game called Tetris Splash made it onto the XBLA. You guessed it, it's Tetris with a fishy theme. A little bit on the pricey side at 800 points (£6.80) considering the formula hasn't changed, but then if you don't have Tetris it's a decent enough version with upto 6 players in its online mode, but I have a problem...

On the day of release a whopping 14 additional chunks of content was also made available none of which extends the gameplay in any way. Want to add a fish of your choice that will swim around in the background? You gotta shell out for it. Choice of backgrounds while you play? You guessed it, pay for it. If you want the lot it'll cost you an extra 1200 points (£10.20)! For fish and backgrounds?! Now fair enough very few will probably want to download the whole lot, at least not at that price but surely this kind of stuff should be in the game? As a matter of interest the game itself is one of the smallest downloads from the XBLA I've seen at around 24Mb. Hmmm something smells fishy. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

I love the XBLA just like I love the Nintendo VC but I really hope once the Wiiware channel starts that it doesn't set off down this route and I hope we don't start to see more of it on the XBLA. I'm very disappointed in you Microsoft, anyone would think you were just out to make as much money from us as you can!... What's that Bill? Oh, you are.

What's the difference between a fish and a piano? You can't tuna fish! Find more childish humour on the GAMEOV3R Forum

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