Wednesday 31 October 2007

Pure Genius

Nintendo are one of the few companies that just know what pleases people and how to make them smile with their games. At the moment I just can't stop playing Metroid on the Wii. Apart from the game itself being brilliant its bonus content that you can purchase using vouchers earned during play and also special ones sent to you from friends works extremely well due to the thought that's gone into it. One great thing is that you don't have to register another friend code to do this. If a friend is added to your Wii address book and they have Metroid save data they'll appear in bold and you can send them these special friend vouchers. Receiving these is the only way to buy some of the bonus items.

So far I've bought a Mii Bobblehead and some bumper stickers for my ship. The bumper stickers you get are based on what other game saves you have on your Wii and the bobblehead stands proudly atop your dashboard in its Samus uniform. You can even prod the head to make it wobble and I've wasted minutes doing just that! Utterly pointless but I can't remember the last time I smiled so much in a game. That was even before I took off in my ship the following day and the engines made it wobble all by itself!

Sometimes I wonder if it's normal for something like this to give me so much pleasure, but I don't think I should be questioning it. I could easily write pages on things I don't enjoy in games and no doubt in future I'll be doing exactly that on this blog. For now though the only thing that matters is that I do enjoy it and I let it please me. As much as you can moan about certain decisions Nintendo make, you have to admit they are geniuses at what they do and at the top of their game nobody does it better.

Let us know on the GAMEOV3R Forum what gives you pleasure... keep it clean though eh

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