Wednesday 23 January 2008

Customer Satisfaction

Why is it that when dealing with companies today it's very rare you get a completely hassle free experience with helpful customer service? It seems even the simple act of buying a bag of crisps is fraught with problems these days as things now have to be scanned and typing in the number manually must only be considered as a last resort. I think the lady in the shop would still be frantically rubbing the packet over the glass panel in an effort to read it had I not fetched another bag to try.

The latest for me has been switching over my broadband and telephone, not to another company, just to a faster service with my phone line rental included in the price. I've been putting it off for a while thinking that if something is working DON'T mess with it! In the end though it seemed daft not to take up the offer seeing as it'll save a bit of money.

What got me thinking about this was all the Xbox LIVE problems over Christmas and unless I'm unlucky again, still continuing to this day. It seems the demand for the free XBLA game Undertow has tipped LIVE over the edge again with many people unable to download it at the moment. Of course the way my luck is I bought Undertow when it came out back in November. For people struggling you have until Sunday to get it for free. For people in my position I'm told that a call to Xbox LIVE support will result in a credit of 800 points. I fully intended to try this out today but having got through, the first thing I was asked for was my serial number. Silly me. No problem though, the lines are open until 10pm, I can phone when I get home from work. Which brings me nicely back round to the broadband and telephone upgrade.

I do indeed now have free line rental but with one catch... I can't actually make any phone calls. I guess I should be grateful really, at least my internet connection still seems to be worki.....................................................................

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