Monday 27 August 2007

Sunday Night Insomnia

Why do I always find it hard to get to sleep on a Sunday night? Am I worrying about Monday morning? Am I too relaxed or even over tired? Is it denial because I wish it were still Saturday night?

I went to bed last night at around 1am. I thought I was tired but I found myself staring at the blackness that was swirling around the ceiling while my mind raced hand in hand with nothing in particular. I tried to count sheep but it didn’t help. I’d been playing Space Giraffe earlier in the evening and that freaky psychedelic sheep kept appearing in my minds eye. So, I did the only thing I could and decided I was going to get up. I went downstairs, made a cup of camomile tea, turned on the 360 and loaded up Sonic the Hedgehog. In my sleepless yet tired state I found the blue spiky one quite relaxing. My blurry eyes helping the new HD visuals look extra special. That I didn’t need 30 fingers to play it certainly helped me and this simple gameplay meant I was soon racing through the Green Hill Zone and on to the Marble Zone. 03.50 arrived and with only 4 hours until I’d have to get up for work I had to put Sonic down (not like a vet does!) and go back to bed. A few minutes after climbing into bed I must’ve drifted off because the next thing I know it was time to get my weary self out of bed.

I still don’t know if it was the Camomile tea, the fact I stayed up until nearly 4am or a game of Sonic that helped me to finally get some sleep but whatever it was it hasn’t helped me through the day. I'm shattered!

Do you suffer from Sunday night or any night insomnia? Do you have a cure? Please tell me on the FORUM.

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