Friday 31 August 2007

Gaming Anomalies & Questions

There are loads of things in games that we've all come accept as normal, but give them a second thought and, well, I'll let you decide...

1. It's OK to enter peoples houses, rummage through their stuff taking anything of use, even while they're still in it.

2. Why does nobody do anything for themselves in RPGs? "A big stork stole my basket!" I'm told. So why are you standing around outside your house asking me to go and get it back?! Fight your own stork.

3. Shooting barrel shaped objects will result in a huge explosion regardless of what's in it. Red ones usually have the best outcomes.

4. Who's job is it to go around putting all the extra ammo and health packs into smashable crates and then scattering them liberally around the area? And what are the wages like? I could be interested.

Have you ever fought a stork? Tell us about it and any other gaming anomalies on the Forum

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