Sunday 12 August 2007

GAMEOV3R flicked the power button

GAMEOV3R stirred. He’d slept for too long he was grumpy. He prodded Lee, with his long pointy stick, kicked Matt on the shin then stroked the cat to sooth his mood. It was time to gather together and launch the GAMEOV3R Blog and Forum
This was going to be it! Time to say hello to gamers everywhere!

After a group hug, some singing, while GAMEOV3R gargled mouthwash, and a game of Bomberman LIVE they all gave thanks, briefly but respectfully, to the mighty Golden Joypad then the team were ready.

A warm welcome to you all. A lot of effort and time has gone into creating the GAMEOV3R Blog and Forum
and we hope you enjoy visiting regularly. There will be a lot going on over the next few weeks despite us being in our nappies.

The team consists of GAMEOV3R himself and his hosts Matt and Lee, more info on the right under “Who are we?”.

Sharing a wealth of gaming knowledge resident GAMEOV3R writers Matt and Lee have been gamers for over 25 years though the years have not been kind. A lot of writing, more talking and many hours playing games says that they should be experts but GAMEOV3R knows different!

Enough for now but prepare yourselves and we look forward to reading your comments and talking to you all in the Forum


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! The story is getting good - i didnt realise GameOv3r was a real thing. Will this nice little story continue?