Tuesday 20 May 2008

WiiWare Wait Over!

It's Wiiware day folks and what's this? Nintendo are spoiling us with an actual demo of a game as well?! They're really getting the hang of this new fangled interweb online thing aren't they... but hang on, there's some small print... you can only play the demo if one of your online friends has bought the full version! Way to go Nintendo! Which bright spark thought that one up eh? Oh well, we should all be grateful it's actually here and we finally get to see Lost Winds and Final Fantasy Chronicles, after we've deleted some channels, copied a load of VC games on to the SD card to make some room on the 48k of internal memory and then checked the Wii points website to find that once again they won't be adding any more until 3:37am on the 3rd Tuesday of next month.

I jest of course, it's here! What more could you ask for? I mean it's not my birthday or anything... well, actually it is but lets keep that quiet eh ;)

Let us know what you'll be buying on the GAMEOV3R Forum

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