Tuesday 6 May 2008


I've never really got into online shooters too much other than in co-op mode. The ones I have tried briefly have been completely dominated by gamers that eat these types of games for dinner, and the results are that I end up being the pudding.

Then I played Warhawk on the PS3. That's right... a positive PS3 story!

I've heard a lot about this game and all that expectation when I first loaded it up was dashed a little. I didn't know what I was doing, which weapons were good, how the hell to fly a warhawk or why I'd opt to drive a weak little jeep... I wasn't sure I'd ever feel comfortable, but the water and cloud effects looked really nice so lets stick with it I thought.

A couple of hours later and I can't put the game down, and unusually for me I'm right at the forefront of all the action. I even captured the flag yesterday and found out exactly why I'd want to be driving that weak little jeep. I flew in to their base skimming the water to avoid unwanted attention, crash landed within running distance of the flag, (is there any other way to land these things?!) grabbed it, stole a jeep and put my foot to the floor all the way back to our base while bullets rained down around me. The fact I didn't know what to do with it once I got there I won't mention. I did figure it out though, and I have the nice shiny badge now to prove it! I've even managed to advance a couple of ranks which means my little bloke gets a change of trousers, he's gonna need em too when a missile locks on to him while piloting a warhawk!

For many people that might not seem like much, but for someone at my kind of level with this style of game to be able to join in and get so involved is simply brilliant.

I'm a bit late to the party with this one I know but if you have a PS3 you need to buy this game, and if you don't... put it on the list for when you do!

Capture the flag...or something, on the GAMEOV3R Forum

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