Wednesday 14 May 2008

Lasting Impressions?

I finally caved in and got GTA 4 on the 360 even though I've never really taken to the series before. The number of perfect scores meant the curiosity level was just too much to bare.

Now I've only played it for maybe an hour and a half and a fair bit of that has been cut scenes to get you involved in the story, but so far the niggles I've encountered have outweighed the fun.

I'll start with the auto-centreing camera. It's a little annoying and I think it's this that makes Nico feel a bit odd to control. In an enclosed space like the apartment or when you go shopping for clothes it's clumsy. It's hard to put my finger on exactly but something doesn't feel quite right, although maybe in time it's something you adjust to. Why don't you get analogue control either? No matter how much you move the stick Nico walks...slowly, meaning you have to hold 'A' to run.

Secondly the cars seem to have worse handling than a shopping trolley. They have faulty brakes too! Once you do build up some speed they suffer from massive understeer and using the handbrake usually results in you continuing to travel in the same direction... but sideways. Maybe I need to drive them in a more realistic way (slower) but that doesn't seem fun.

Thirdly I've had one date with a girl called Michelle which to be honest involved a pretty uninspired mini bowling game, and lastly the amount of swearing feels a bit forced. Now I know this is GTA so what did I expect right? Used well, swearing can really add to a script and be funny too (and sometimes it was), but often it left me feeling like it was added for the sake of it with no attention to how effective it would be, and dare I say in a slightly immature way.

I'm fully aware that I need to play this a lot more to form a complete opinion and I'm hoping these very early impressions get completely turned around once I've given the game the amount of time it deserves, but I wondered if anyone else felt any of these things initially?

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