Tuesday 11 December 2007

Nintendo slay fat black turkey

Monster Hunter has seen massive success in Japan on Sony's PSP. The popularity of the game, despite it's short comings, is astounding and we all know that if a game sells like hot cakes it's almost a written rule that it will get a sequel. The originally titled Monster Hunter 2 came along in due course impressing the already loyal following and forcing gamers, that had ignored or missed the original, to sit up, take note and then spend their Yen on it.

Why should you care?

Because Monster Hunter is good. Very good. And there's going to be a third instalment...... and it's going to be on the Wii.

The controls were never really suited to PSP so if this is done properly the mix of team-based dinosaur slaying, character customisation AND massive amounts of selectable equipment will make this series realise it's full potential on Nintendo's baby. Better still, this game will be mammoth, pun intended, if Capcom, as is suspected, make this game online.

Fingers crossed for yet another game that will be a must have for Wii owners.

Here, for your pleasure, is a teaser trailer.....

There's just one little detail I haven't yet mentioned and it's a detail that was the clincher while I was deciding what I would write today. You see, 2 years ago Capcom agreed with Sony that Monster Hunter 3 would be released for the PS3 but because the PS3 has turned into a turkey Capcom have moved the game to the Wii. That's not all either because it's now a Wii exclusive too!!

If you want a definitive definition of videogame irony or you just want to know why you should never share your bath with a toaster come and ask Gameov3r on the FORUM.

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