Thursday 16 April 2009

Xbox 360 Extended Warranty Covers E74

I've read several small articles regarding the E74 error that seems to be the new RRoD. I hadn't realised it had become quite such a big deal however with Microsoft now making an official announcement to say that the extended warranty has now been extended... more.

"While the majority of Xbox 360 owners continue to have a great experience with their console, we are aware that a very small percentage of our customers have reported receiving an error that displays "E74" on their screen,"

"After investigating the issue, we have determined that the E74 error message can indicate the general hardware failure that is associated with three flashing red lights error on the console. As a result, we have decided to cover repairs related to the E74 error message under our three-year warranty program for certain general hardware failures that was announced in July 2007."

One article suggested that the announcement only covers the US so far but I haven't been able to find anything on the Microsoft website that states that. I can't really see them treating other countries differently having now acknowledged the problem.

Further details

Click the link to see which error message the GAMEOV3R Forum will give you today...

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