Wednesday 18 June 2008

Firefox 3

According to our stats report most people access our site using the Firefox browser. So is anyone taking part in the Guiness World Record attempt for the most downloads in one day of the new version 3? If like me you may well have tried and that's exactly what you're still trying to do right now. I'm now trying from three different sites at once, two have so far refused to even start and the third is racing away at the lightning speed of around 1.5KB/sec. Happy memories of dial up connections have come flooding back and at this rate I should be running the new version by Christmas. Mozilla say their servers are currently churning out 14000 downloads a minute which is one huge amount of data. You can see the total downloads counter here.

Update: Things seem to have improved and I now have three copies :) At least I've done my bit for the record. Incidentally it claims Ad Block isn't compatible but I found these instructions here

Join the Gameov3r FORUM while you wait...


Anonymous said...

AdBlock runs on FF3, most addons do you just have to go to and reinstall them individually and they work fine :S

Anonymous said...

Adblock Plus will let you do that, Adblock will not. To run Adblock at the moment you would need to follow those instructions.