Duke Nukem Forever. Let me rephrase that. Duke Nukem is taking Forever. It’s almost 10 years since we last saw Duke tackling alien scum and his chart rival the Space Marine. Ten years too long.
Thankfully there’s an official 3DRealms trailer that’s been doing the rounds lately suggesting that Duke is well and truly on the way and will be released soon. Or soon’ish. Or something. Anyway, the trailer shows Duke lifting a bar bell, puffing on his signature cigar, while all around him alien creatures get increasingly angry. As the trailer fades to black Duke can be heard saying, “I’m looking for some alien toilet to park my bricks, who’s first?” The original Duke is well known for his cheesy one-liners and the trailer alludes to that same sense of humour. Hmm … I don’t know about you but I’m struggling to get excited by Duke Nukem Forever.
While I wait, forever, for Duke Nukem Forever it looks like 360 owners will be getting the chance to replay the original PC game Duke Nukem 3D. Scott Miller, top man over at 3D Realms, has confirmed that Duke’s seminal PC classic is coming XBLA. Apparently the discussions to get Duke a Marketplace Green Card began last August. I’m not sure if I think 3DRealms just move extremely s l o w l y or whether Duke is constipated and couldn’t force himself to use an alien as a toilet even if he wanted to. And I'm sure he does.
Duke will definitely be on our screens again sometime and it’ll probably be an XBLA appearance first. Forever really is a long time you know.
Whoops! Sorry, wrong one!
Here’s the official trailer. Have a listen to his voice at the end of the trailer…
Is it me or does Duke’s voice sound, well, a little, erm, not quite as manly as he used to? Sounds almost like he has a kazoo lodged at the back of his throat.
It's time to kick ass, chew bubble gum and check out the Duke Nukem thread on the Gameov3r FORUM.
Saturday, 22 March 2008
“Who [still] wants some?”
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Labels: 3D Realms, Duke Nukem 3D, Duke Nukem Forever, XBLA
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You refer to the "original" Duke Nukem having all kinds of lines. That's not true. Duke Nukem 3D was the first game with Duke's "personality" in it. The true original Duke Nukem game had no voice.
In fact, the one you're referring to is the third Duke Nukem game.
Joe Siegler
3D Realms
"The original Duke is well known for his cheesy one-liners and the trailer alludes to that same sense of humour."
Hi Joe! Thanks for posting and well spotted! I was referencing Duke's humour in his 3D outing and not his lines, or lack of, in the 2D ones. Sorry if that's unclear.
Interestingly though your bio on the 3DRealms site, http://www.3drealms.com/bio/siegler.htm
says you were the voice of Duke Nukem. "Duke Nukem II (voice of Duke Nukem)" He spoke in Duke 2?
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