Friday, 23 October 2009

DSi Speak Channel?

While searching for information for error 206602 kolma found this reference to a dedicated DSi Speak Channel

To redeem a Nintendo DSi Download Ticket number, such as for the Nintendo DSi Speak Channel, enter the number off the Nintendo DSi Download Ticket in "Settings and Features" off of the main Nintendo DSi Shop page, then select "Nintendo DSi Download Ticket."
It's since been deleted but the proof remains in the google cache.

Gameov3r doesn't need a DSi speak channel to communicate his needs. Gameov3r has the Forum.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Professor Layton and Pandora's Box

Spoiler Alert! The video below shows the completed mini-games found in the Professor's Trunk.

If you are still stumped by the formidable challenges then head over to the Gameov3r Forum for some assistance