The official LittleBigPlanet Youtube page is offering a free Sackboy to 5000 UK Youtube users who subscribe to them before the 1st July 2009.
You'll then need to either message them or send an email to: containing your name and address.
LittleBigPlanet UK
UPDATE: Offer is now closed
Check out the GAMEOV3R Forum
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Free Sackboy for UK YouTube Subscribers
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smart arse replies
Labels: Free Sackboy, Little Big Planet
Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Name That PixelJunk 1-4
The PixelJunk games on the PSN have been a brilliant series so far. Inventive ideas mixed with quirky presentation and graphic styles have earned them many fans. The trailer above is the fourth game which looks like a mixture of Eden and Thrust from all those years ago with added water and lava.
At the moment it's nameless and is referred to as PixelJunk 1-4 which is where you come in. Visit their website for the game here and submit your idea to get your name in the credits and an original t-shirt.
Our forum is called The GAMEOV3R Forum... that took us ages to come up with... we're not going to win the competition are we
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smart arse replies
Labels: PixelJunk 1-4
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Opoona: First Thoughts
With my £6 credit from trading in NiGHTS burning a hole in my pocket I grabbed Opoona from the shelf of Blockbuster. Not cheap at £30 but I needed another gaming fix. I've played for a couple of hours and my first impressions of this quirky RPG?
Buy it.
It's strange. The graphics for the characters are very stylised and some of the backgrounds are visually rather pretty. The game world is a mix of science fiction technology and untouched nature. The accompanying music is electro-dancey and sets the mood well, encouraging you to progress at pace. The progression is as you would expect from any RPG .. .. .. a bit of story followed by learning the basics and acquiring new weapons, skills, abilities and friends .. .. .. battles to earn money and experience points. It all gels well together into an enjoyable experience that makes you want to see what will happen next.
The game can be controlled purely by using the nunchuk (a feature that was promoted when the game was first announced) and that's what I've been doing. It took me about 20 mins to become comfortable with the controls but at the moment I think they work really well.
The only negative point for me is that the battles are random battles. I'm not a fan. Apart from that though the battles are really rather fun! Once it starts there is no my turn / your turn .. .. .. it's real time action so quick responses are needed. Use the analogue stick to fire your bonbon at the enemies either underhand or overhand, with slice or fade.. .. .. you choose the strength of shot by the length of time you hold the stick before releasing it. You can add powerups to your bonbon to increase it's effectiveness in defeating the enemies as well as increasing your defense.
The objectives within the game are set by your career options. Each career has a license which you must complete before moving to the next grade, from trainee, through 1*, 2* etc. I'm not far enough in to have begun more than the first career path but I'm assuming, from the room where the new licenses are issued, that there's at least 20 different choices. The tasks that I've completed so far are "survive 10 battles" and "collect 5 eggs", my current assignment is to head somewhere and kill all of the baddies there .. .. .. .. I may be some time.
Throw your bonbons around on the Gameov3r Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Nintendo, Nintendo Wii, opoona, RPG, Wii
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Bye bye Megaton!
If, like me, you choose to play through Fallout 3 as one of the good guys you probably didn't detonate the bomb in Megaton. Not seeing this game changing event kind of bugged me so once I'd finished the story I went and checked through my game saves to see if I could restart at the opportune moment to press the big red button. As luck would have it I found a save that allowed me to go and blow up Megaton without too much wandering of the wastes.
And so, here for your delectation is the destruction of Megaton. This is followed by a chat with Mr Burke, who I still felt like shooting, and near the end of the video you'll meet an old friend from Megaton. Seeing this old friend could spoil the surprise for you if you're thinking of playing through Fallout 3 again and you're going to take the "destroy Megaton route". I'd suggest you stop the video when Mr Burke leaves the balcony at about 3.05 to avoid any potential spoilers.
Now, before you press play, you may want to grab a pair of Joojanta 2000 peril sensitive sunglasses. You can never be too careful where nuclear bombs are concerned.
Irradiate yourself with a drink over on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Bomb, detonate Megaton bomb, Fallout 3, Megaton
Lode Runner Increases in Price
Lode Runner was released on the XBLA yesterday and if you were quick you'd have been able to pick it up for 800 points.
Apparently this was a mistake by Microsoft and today it's gone up to 1200. Also gone is a possible purchase from me and many others by the looks of it...
Priceless... that's the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Lode Runner, XBLA
I hate it when people disconnect online so either they don't record a loss or just deny you the win. What's even worse is someone that will happily take 7 or 8 wins against you in a row and then when you finally trap them in a position where you can't lose, they disconnect. Ring any bells THE ICEMAN1313? All you can do is add them as an unpreferred player which leaves you feeling unsatisfied.
This is what happened while playing Connect 4 yesterday which I managed to get a free code for. Incidentally it's quite a fun little game with numerous modes of play but certainly way overpriced at the 800 points they're asking for it.
The last time I encountered this was with Rock Band where people would disconnect right near the end of a song if they were losing. I think game makers need to consider this a little more with the steady move to online play and make sure there is some kind of retribution for disconnecting early, otherwise people will just stop playing these games. If you can't bare to lose you shouldn't be playing in the first place.
So then THE ICEMAN1313, named and shamed. Will it make a difference? No, but I feel satisfied :)
Quit reading this and check out the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Disconnecting Early, Quit Early, Quitter
Friday, 17 April 2009
Supermarket Dash
Wakka wakka on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: pac man, Pac-Man, Remi Gaillard
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Xbox 360 Extended Warranty Covers E74
I've read several small articles regarding the E74 error that seems to be the new RRoD. I hadn't realised it had become quite such a big deal however with Microsoft now making an official announcement to say that the extended warranty has now been extended... more.
"While the majority of Xbox 360 owners continue to have a great experience with their console, we are aware that a very small percentage of our customers have reported receiving an error that displays "E74" on their screen,"
"After investigating the issue, we have determined that the E74 error message can indicate the general hardware failure that is associated with three flashing red lights error on the console. As a result, we have decided to cover repairs related to the E74 error message under our three-year warranty program for certain general hardware failures that was announced in July 2007."
One article suggested that the announcement only covers the US so far but I haven't been able to find anything on the Microsoft website that states that. I can't really see them treating other countries differently having now acknowledged the problem.
Further details
Click the link to see which error message the GAMEOV3R Forum will give you today...
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smart arse replies
Labels: E74, Xbox 360, Xbox 360 Extended Warranty
Thursday, 9 April 2009
LEGO Nintendo DSi
You have to give this credit for the level of detail. Just look at the writing on the back and the little screws! Created using 51,324 LEGO pieces... the new Nintendo DSi.
Some say the GAMEOV3R Forum is held together using LEGO...
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smart arse replies
Labels: LEGO Nintendo DSi
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
MKWii Battle Tips
I've been discussing with other forum members how to improve their skills in the Mario Kart Wii battles. Sometimes a picture can express a thousand words far more clearly. Hopefully it will make the regular Monday night session even more exciting than it already is.
Want to burst our bubble? Head over to the Gameov3r Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Mario Kart, Mario Kart Wii, Nintendo, Nintendo Wifi, Nintendo Wii
Thursday, 2 April 2009
8-BIT Waterslide in REAL LIFE
Got any spare nodes? We need more on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: 8-BIT Waterslide in REAL LIFE