If you hadn't noticed already IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME! Last year the Gameov3r blog was pleased to present a Christmas song from forum members Fifi and Shine. This year they've gone one better and not only recorded a Christmas song but they posted a short You Tube clip too. Take it away guys!
Merry Christmas from Gameov3r!
If you can make reindeer antlers look good, can play a musical instrument or if you have a bright red flashing nose then the Gameov3r FORUM is the right place to be at this time of year. It's a bit safer than walking the streets with a flashing red nose that's for sure.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
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1 smart arse replies
Labels: Christmas, Have yourselfa merry little Christmas, You Tube
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Microsoft Claus
First we get the rather attractive festive winter theme for our 360's for free. Well it's free as long as you've paid up for a Gold LIVE account. But I shall not be ungrateful because I really like the theme!
Then yesterday we get Dash for Destruction! Blimey!! A free LIVE Arcade game. Yes FREE! Free to download and free to play. Free, free, free! If you don't have it yet just stop reading this and go a get it! Microsoft are really getting into the festive spirit of giving aren't they!? Either that or they're ill and are running a dangerously high temperature, which kind of goes hand in hand with the infamous 360 hardware problems, and they're delirious.
So very briefly, because you're contact with this game will be equally brief, Dash for Destruction is, depending on the game mode you choose, either like playing Rampage but in 3D or it's like playing a pint sized version of Skid Marks on an Amiga. Well kind of. Basically one mode means you avoid a T-Rex while the other means you are a T-Rex. I was finished with the game after about 15 minutes and I doubt I'll return to it though I would like to try out the multiplayer. It would be easy for me to be extremely hard on this game but as it was utterly free I won't be. It is playable and quite good fun while it lasts. Yes it's shallow and you'll be bored after 15 minutes but you'll have earned 190 achievement points by then so it's a good return for your efforts.
Free themes, free games, they say good things come in 3's don't they?
Yes they do! I discovered the Snow Globe tonight. This being released in different regions around the world at different times so I'm unsure how long it's been available here in the UK. I think I'd have spotted it before tonight had it been there before but hey. It's in the Spotlight section, when you're connected to LIVE, if you want to check it out. As you can see from the picture the Globe is populated with your friends avatars. You can switch the avatars, press X, give the globe a shake, press A, or get the avatars to do a Mexican wave by pressing Y. There's music too so you can just leave the Globe on your screen and then go and wrap parcels to the tune of Jingle Bells repeating over and over and over and over and over and ...
So there you have it. Microsoft have been bitten by the Christmas bug and in all honesty it is a nice touch for XBox owners. I hope Microsoft continue to release these special themes and that this isn't a one off.
There are rumours that both Nintendo and Sony are also preparing festive freebies. Nintendo are discussing changing the colour of the digital clock from grey to red for the holiday season. Because red is Christmassy. Oh and also because Iwata and his pals think that all Wii owners should just about have 1 block of memory free. Sony have promised to eclipse Microsoft's generosity this year and are planning to bring Christmas to HOME. Sony are planning to do this in time for Christmas next year so expect an incomplete, lacklustre beta offering sometime in August 2010.
You thought it'd be a cold day in hell before Microsoft dished out free stuff didn't you!? What with new clothes for our Avatars too they must have seriously flipped. For further insanity but a far warmer climate try the Gameov3r FORUM. I'll put the kettle on and warm some mince pies.
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smart arse replies
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Moley Christmas!
Have a holly jolly Christmas! And if you can’t then you can have a jolly moley one instead with Monty’s Christmas Special. This cracking little game is still available to download and best of all it's still free.
If you’re a forum member you may have already read my posts about this game. If you don’t know who Monty Mole is …. He’s an 8 Bit legend. He’s been "Wanted", “Innocent” and “On the Run”. Then it was “Auf Weidersehen” from Monty before one final fling in “Impossamole”. Some might say that Monty Mole later transferred his allegiance to Nintendo where he hid in holes in the ground in Mario games.
Monty’s Christmas Special is a tribute to all of Monty’s past games and this one is probably the best of them all. It has great SIDesque music, it looks and plays beautifully and offers a decent challenge thanks to the excellent level design. If it had been an official release back in the day it would have gathered itself a Crash Smash award and a Zzap Gold Medal with ease. If you’re looking for some festive gaming kicks then you need look no further.
I actually downloaded this last Christmas, please don't start singing Wham songs, but have yet to finish it. I intend to put that right and have a good old go at getting through it during this years holidays.
Visit Monty’s Christmas Special web page HERE or simply download the game by clicking HERE
Like getting things for free? Then the Gameov3r FORUM is probably not for you. Gameov3r requires your soul in return for membership.
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smart arse replies
Labels: Christmas, Monty Mole, Monty's Christmas Special
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Free Your Avatar
This is just some of the rabble you'll find on the GAMEOV3R forums! Sorry if you didn't make it into the picture I kind of ran out of room.
You can make your own picture using a limited but simple little tool right here. It's a shame you can't choose different poses or expressions, I could have had some real fun with it then...
Free yourself on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Free Your Avatar, Xbox Avatar
Monday, 15 December 2008
In DEAD SPACE no one can hear you scream...
I didn’t see anything particularly new as I ploughed my way through the marauding aliens that infest the USG Ishimura. I did see elements of Bioshock, Half Life 2, Prey and Doom intertwined into the Dead Space canvas and while these weren’t subtly hidden they seamlessly became part of Dead Space’s fabric feeling as fresh as they did when you first encountered them.
So, to say Dead Space is ground breaking would be a lie but to call it a copy of these games is an injustice of equal measure. With it’s many virtues Dead Space is one of this years surprise successes. It’s so well constructed and polished that you cannot fail to be impressed.
You play as Isaac Clarke, an Interstellar Engineer, and you’ve been assigned to a team that have been sent to investigate a distress call from the deep space vessel the USG Ishimura. Once you arrive at the Ishimura you really won’t have much time to worry about repairing anything before you and your colleagues are attacked by gruesome looking aliens. Thankfully you’re not unarmed. In fact Isaac’s weapons are inspired. Using the tools of his trade - flame thrower, a levitating buzz saw, the plasma cutter, ore cutter, force gun, contact Beam and a Space Marine’s Pulse Rifle, which is effective but far less interesting to use, you’re options for disposing of the alien hoard are plentiful. All the weapons work exceptionally well and you can level them up which is key to aiding your progress. It is impossible to level up all you weapons fully in one play through which I found a little bit annoying. It’s ok if you’re going to play though the game again but with so many great games to get through at the moment is anyone going to have the time?
Dead Space looks utterly stunning. The USG Ishimura is beautifully crafted and believable. The interior of the ship varies considerably and the lighting is always first rate and is used to create some extremely eerie spaces. Animation is fluid and in the looks department the aliens would break mirrors faster than Man Widdicombe, (Thanks Captain) but only just. The aliens actually don’t vary that much throughout the game but despite their ugly similarities despatching them never gets boring. This is thanks to Isaac’s weapons as I mentioned above and also the facts that to stop the aliens quickly requires a sharp eye and lots of shooting off limbs.
If only Dead Space had included some choices. A couple of points where the game forced you to make a decision that would impact in someway on Isaac’s fight for survival thereby effecting the ultimate outcome of the story. Then Dead Space would have stood shoulder to shoulder with some of the best games of the year.
Dead Space is a quality FPS title. It is a simple, spectacular and gut-wrenching experience. It impresses with Isaac’s every step. It’s graphics, sound, suspense and action create a tangible atmosphere and the game never does the same thing over and over to the point of frustration.
If it wasn’t for the lure of Fable II, Fallout 3, Gears 2, Mirrors Edge …. and … and …. I would play through Dead Space again. Maybe I will at some point.
Did I mention that Dead Space will make you jump? It will. I was warned and I still had to peel myself off the ceiling on more than one occasion.
There are things equally frightening on the Gameov3r FORUM. There are things that are far, far smellier too.
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smart arse replies
Labels: Dead Space, Xbox 360
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Guitar Hero World Tour
I was in Tesco earlier this morning. I’m full of a cold, it’s almost a man-flu but not quite, and I had to go for supplies. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, balsam tissues for my delicate nose, a bottle of Bell’s and a pot of honey to make Hot Toddies, a selection of Sunday papers and game mags, red chillies and 6 large eggs.
Seeing as I was there I thought I’d take a look at the dvd’s and games. I’m not that ill! Just don’t let my wife know.
What caught my eye was this, Tesco are offering Guitar Hero World Tour for the Wii, the XBox 360 and PS3 for just £50 including the full size wireless guitar. That is nothing short of a bargain!
According to the Gameov3r forum it’s been at £50 since the middle of November so I wasn’t expecting to still see this offer today. Did I buy it? No. There’s no way I could get it into the house un-noticed! Maybe one day in the week though.
Rock on over to the Gameov3r FORUM
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smart arse replies
Labels: 360, Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero World Tour, PS3, Wii
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Mad World Wii
Because it's nearly Christmas Platinum Games have released a new trailer of their excellent looking Wii exclusive Mad World. Wow! Erm, it's not a particularly festive trailer but Platinum Games have allegedly promised to post their interpretation of Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer next week. Apparently Rudolf will be delivering parcels in Varrigan City. Good luck to him. Here's the trailer...
This game is looking better and better every time I see it. I suspect my Wii will be getting a lot of use again in the not too distant future.....
Thankfully Gary Jules has nothing to do with this game. Although I wouldn't mind seeing him behind one a yellow censored panels in the trailer. There are bright yellow patches on the Gameov3r FORUM
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smart arse replies
Labels: Mad World, Nintendo Wii
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Calling TIME Out On Playstation Home
I've been reading today that TIME magazine has included Playstation Home at number 10 in it's top 10 gadgets for 2008. Their write up reads as follows:
After a number of launch delays, Sony's virtual world, "Home" gives folks one more reason to buy its pricey PS3 video game console. Users create their own human-looking avatar and get a virtual apartment near the "town square," a base of operations from which to socialize, play games and purchase an endless variety of Sony goods and services (think games, movies, music and more.) A cross between Second Life and the Sims, the service shows the promise of a commercial Metaverse. Price: free
What do they mean after a number of launch delays? It's still in a closed beta as of today and that's ignoring the fact it isn't really a gadget at all is it? Picking it apart even more, the shops were empty until a few days ago and the items available now are far from endless. Thinking about 'games, movies and music' is about all you'll be doing as none of these things are for sale. So what fits into the 'more' category then? A few items of clothing and furniture.
I've not been in the beta for all that long and in that time I've loaded it up twice and already I wonder why I would go back. The only part that held my attention for any length of time was the gaming area where I enjoyed a game of bowling and pool, but they're hardly games you'll keep going back to. I've already experienced racist comments and watched as immature guys try to chat up girls with all the subtlety of a brick to the face. Not everyone will abuse it I'm sure and I'm fully aware this is a beta release but Sony had better be holding a lot back as I can already feel the anti climax approaching. The sun is out and people are at home yet to me it feels very cold, sterile and empty.
I know I sound pretty negative but I'm failing to see the innovation here so until Sony release the full thing and change it, my opinion is what it is.
So how much did Sony pay you for the top 10 advert TIME magazine? You haven't even 'played' it have you?
Different opinion? Voice it here or on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Playstation Home, TIME magazine, Top 10 Gadgets
Monday, 8 December 2008
This Is Hardcore... Scrabble!
I've been reading this news in various places and can only assume it is genuine as one of them refers to a response from Ubisoft. Either way it made me laugh so here's the gist of it.
A mother bought Scrabble 2007 Edition for the DS rated 3+ for her young son but was surprised to find the computer players using strings of swear words. Mrs Carrington decided to test out the game further and was taken aback when her opponent laid down the word 't*ts'. Helpfully the game also includes a definition to eliminate any confusion which in this case is 'a garden bird' and also 'an informal word for female breasts'.
Not too bad but on further play the computer offered 'f**kers', defined as 'a slang word for chavs'. To rub salt in the wound the word received a triple score losing her the game and leaving Mrs Carrington furious, "Ethan has only just got over us getting him a pink DS and now we've had to ban this game" she wasn't heard saying.
Other interesting details in the article include the fact the game is available at ASDA in its two-for-£25 deal and that Mrs Carrington's husband isn't a tycoon called Blake but in fact runs a hair salon.
A spokesman for Ubisoft said: 'F****ers, I'm really p****ed about this, we need to get our s**t together. The people who rated this must have been off their t*ts'... no of course he didn't say that, what he really said was 'We are sorry the game has caused concern, but it includes a "junior" option that stops it using unusual or offensive words'. Not such a great cliffhanger ending though is it?
I shouldn't laugh, the game should clearly contain a warning... I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry.
Expand your vocabulary on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Scrabble, Scrabble 2007 Nintendo DS, Swear words in DS Scrabble
Friday, 5 December 2008
I saw one of these………
.....today so I thought I’d share.
Emulating an Atari 2600 (VCS) on your PC or Mac is easy. Using an emulator, Stella or Z26, allows you to play classic games like Pitfall and H.E.R.O almost exactly as you did in the late 70's and early 80's. I spent far too many hours in front of a wood panel effect TV, that incidentally matched the Atari’s wood panel almost perfectly, playing on our 2600 and getting a sore palm thanks to the rubbery delight that is the Atari 2600 joystick.The Atari single button joystick is far from complex, looks rather dull and is best described as workman-like in it’s operation but it got the job done and was a key part of the 2600.
When emulating a game on a modern computer or Mac it’s been difficult if not impossible to use original controllers and this leaves the experience lacking that authentic something. Up, Down, Left, Right arrows and spacebar to jump or shoot is no substitute for an original controller.
Thanks to Atariage.com you can now buy an adaptor, theStelladaptor 2600 to USB Interface, that plugs into your computer and lets you plug in your Atari 2600 compatible controller. No drivers and no messing around. It really is plug and play. The Stelladaptor also recognises the Atari 2600 paddle and driving controllers.
It’s not cheap at $39.95 but worth it if you’re a retro game fan or more specifically an Atari 2600 fan.
For me even certain games became controller specific. Street Fighter II just isn’t Street Fighter II without an SNES pad. Goldeneye 64 needs an N64 controller, PES a PS2 pad, Sonic the Hedgehog has to have a Mega Drive pad, any Commodore 64 game needs a good old Quick Shot 2 joystick and any Forum worth it’s salt needs a Gameov3r.
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smart arse replies
Labels: Atari, Atari 2600, Stelladaptor
"Black or White" Performed on NXE
Aaow It Don't Matter Oooo...hee hee the GAMEOV3R If You're Ooh, Ooh Forum awaits you... Black Or White hee, go yeah, hee hee... aaow!
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smart arse replies
Labels: Black or White Performed on NXE, New Xbox Experience
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Cubello still grating on you?... Take out those ear plugs and sooth your ears with the demo of Auditorium here.
Sorry but the GAMEOV3R Forum does not give refunds on used ear plugs...
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smart arse replies
Labels: Auditorium
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Currah! It's Cubello!!
Did you ever have or hear one of those Currah Speech 64 cartridges? It's a black plastic cartridge that plugged into the back of the Commodore 64 and enabled your C64 to speak any words that you typed in. All very clever but the voice sounded like Roland Rat after he'd swallowed Metal Mickey and then inhaled 8.9 cubic feet of helium gas. With a voice so irritating it was only right that I, and probably most other like-minded teenage boys and girls, made the C64 swear like a trooper.
Despite my reminiscing the Speech 64 cartridge isn't what I'm going to talk about but it is important to keep it in mind. You see, I've been playing Cubello, one of the Art Style WiiWare titles, lately and while it is a superb puzzle game that challenges your hand-eye co-ordination, spacial awareness and logic all in equal measure it seems that the programmers either have a special place in their hearts for Currah's cartridge or they have a fetish about a rat, a robot and a large amount of gas.
A grating robotic voice welcomes you to the game and then talks you through the tutorial. If it's monotone, metallic drone has not perforated your eardrum so far you'll be doing very well. There's no escape though, oh no, that the damn voice won't go away! It comments on all your moves throughout the game and you can't turn it off!
Voice aside.... Cubello is a simple puzzle game. Basically you shoot one block at another block of the same colour by using the wiimote to point and the A button to fire. 4 blocks of the same colour will vanish and it's your task to clear all the blocks from each puzzle. Simple! Well, simple initially. Cubello is superficially shallow. Clear the first few puzzles, acclimatise yourself to the way the puzzle works and Cubello's depth is revealed. A quick game can easily turn into an hour as you try to complete just one more Cubello. And then another one. And another one.
Cubello looks basic but it's sufficient and works extremely well. In fact each cubello sweeps and turns effortlessly and is quite mesmerising to watch. The sound is basic, there's no music, not that I can recall at this moment anyway. This suggests that I've either become senile during the course of today or that it's a crap and completely unmemorable score or there really isn't any music. I'm 99% certain there isn't any but I wouldn't like to rule out the other 2 options completely. Oh, mustn't forget to mention that annoying robotic voice again. Perhaps it's one of the voices that Steven Hawking rejected? Who'd blame him! The gameplay deceives you into thinking it is very basic. It is a clever game indeed that sneaks up on you, taps you on the shoulder and makes you want to play and play and play and before you know it you've turned night into day.
You have two styles of play available to you. Endless Mode which speaks for itself or you can work your way through the puzzle stages one by one. Both ways of playing are excellent and while there is no 2 Player option choosing Stages allows you to pass the Wiimote to another player to see if they can beat the same puzzle or the time you've just set.
The biggest disappointment in Cubello is that the voice doesn't swear. Not once. I considered asking for a refund because of this but have since become hooked on the gameplay. At only 600 Wii Points Cubello represents a bargain and even more important than it's tiny price is that it only takes up 47 blocks of Wii memory.
Cubello is an excellent puzzle game that I'd highly recommend.
Special Gameov3r ear plugs have been ordered. Join the Forum and grab yours before Cubello becomes the phenomenon that it should and we run out! Or Gameov3r tries them all for size. Probably not in his ears.
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smart arse replies
Labels: Cubello, Currah Speech 64, Wiiware