As with Miis before them, people are busy putting their creative skills to use trying to recreate famous characters using the NXE avatars. Many of which are surprisingly good too. A couple are below, follow the link at the bottom for more.
Images from gamesradar
More here
On an unrelated note, Chinese Democracy was finally released this week. Anyone noticed the elephant at around 2:24 on Shacklers Revenge ;) ? Let me know on the GAMEOV3R Forum
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Famous Avatars
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smart arse replies
Labels: Avatars, New Xbox Experience, NXE
Monday, 24 November 2008
Decisions, decisions! A World at War Review
Forum member and all round dreadlocked good guy Huzzellio has been in a bit of a dilema recently. Huzz, a COD 4 afficionado that had just sampled the delights of COD 5 WaW beta on his 360, faced a problem. Buy World at War for the Wii or for the 360?
What a dilema I've had! In all truth my Wii hasn't done a lot of gaming in the last few weeks, in fact make that the last few months! Since Mario Kart was released I haven't even considered the Wii for my gaming kicks. There just hasn't been anything to really grab my attention.
The 360 has been dominating my gaming time of late, and while I love the 360 I can't help feeling frustrated at my lack of interest in the little white Nintendo box of joy. I want to play it, I want to love it but somehow it always seems to just miss the mark, or fails to capture my imagination. I'm not sure why! Maybe I just prefer the more 'hardcore' type of game (although I do really hate that expression).
Anyway I digress. Where was I? Oh yeah, the dilema. Call of Duty: World at War has been released on my beloved 360 AND the Wii. In my current mindset it would be obvious to go with the big noisy Microsoft red ring of death powerhouse that is the XBox. In fact I'd already been told that I was definitely getting the game on 360 for christmas. Buying the game on Wii as well would be nothing short of madness wouldn't it? But wait....maybe I should give Nintendo another chance? The thing that first attracted me to the Wii was that trailer for Red Steel, y'know the one - that guy sitting in his armchair pointing his Wiimote at the screen like a real gun, getting so into the game he was physically dodging the bullets around his living room!
This could be the Wii's chance to finally shine! So that was it, decision made. I went out, traded Mario Kart (risky move as it was the only game keeping my Wii alive) and bought it.
So the time had come, I fired up my dusty Wii and inserted the disc.
First impressions were positive. The menu screen looked similar to the 360 beta that I'd played to death. So I went straight to multiplayer to mix it up on my favourite mode 'Free for All'. It searched for a match and found one in good time, easily as quick as the 360 equivalent. So far so good! First map - Makin!
Now I should explain, I know Makin very well. It was on the beta and is the home to my one and only 19 kill streak. I was viewing this as the perfect opportunity to show Wii owners how we do it in Huzz town!
The map loaded quickly and then I was faced with it. I could see it was Makin, it looked like Makin yet somehow it looked different. A low res version of the map I've played a million times. Then I moved.......a lower frame rate. Where as the 360 was silky smooth, the Wii was packing around half the frames. And then I tried to navigate my way around. Suddenly I was walking into walls, looking up at the sky, looking down at the floor, spraying bullets like they were going out of fashion......I COULDN'T PLAY PROPERLY!!!!! It's a weird thing, it was like I was playing CoD 5 but in some strange parallel universe.
So there it was, a low res, less smooth, hard to control version of a game I thought I knew very well.
So I made a huge mistake in forking out for this game, trading my copy of MK in the process right? Are you kidding? I LOVED EVERY SECOND!!
Hold on....rewind a moment. Remember how I said I fell in love with the Wii because of the Red Steel trailers? That was my dream and until now no FPS had gripped me. Okay the graphics are worse than the 360 but did I expect anything else? NO! They are worse but they are very GOOD Wii graphics. The game isn't as smooth, did this come as a surprise? NO!! The frame rate IS lower but they never seem to stutter and it is very consistant. The game is hard to control compared to the 360, am I bothered? NO!! I'm not twiddling two sticks, I'm pointing a gun at the screen for crying out loud! Of course it's harder!!
The fact is the Wii version offers a very different feeling to it's higher powered cousins. As I've mentioned in other posts, the 360 and PS3 versions feel like 'CoD 4.5: World War 2 Edition'. It's not a bad thing, I love CoD 4, but it still feels like an expansion pack. But the Wii feels like a fresh game. Yes I'm struggling with the controls (at the moment) but I'm loving the challenge of trying to master them.
I know they've stripped out some game modes, and no doubt people will always gripe about it, but the gameplay itself makes up for it.
This is the first game where I believe owning both version is the correct thing to do. Treyarch have taken a great game and added the Wii dynamic to the gameplay, the dynamic that I dreamed about since the days of the Red Steel trailer.
So has the Wii finally come out of retirement for Private Huzzellio? SIR YES SIR! But if you come across me on the battlefield, go easy on me. I still can't get to grips with the controls!!
Thanks for that Huzz. Now I've read your review and also General Hillyjo's relentless recruiting on the forum, ready for his first skirmish, I am sorely tempted to get WaW for my Wii. I'm also beginning to wonder if you and Hilly have perfected Jedi mind control!
More reviews, opinion, Jedi mind tricks, and moist patches on the Gameov3rFORUM. Best to avoid the moist patches.
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smart arse replies
Labels: 360, Cod 5, Wii, World at War
Friday, 21 November 2008
FIFA 09 - 1 PES 2009 - 0
Before I say anything, oh darn it, I already said something. At least I didn’t say anything. D’oh! I would first like to apologise for the lack of posting on the Gameov3r blog. It has been Gameov3r’s will to keep me locked in endless games of Space Wars ever since he had a mainframe reconstructed in The Cellar. Thankfully he’s now having more fun trying to recreate the gravity field of the game using a 60 watt bulb and some empty Caffrey’s cans so I’m off the hook.
After my escape from The Cellar and seeing all the vector splendour of Space Wars over and over again I wanted something new and up to date to play. Being a football fan I figured there was no better time to investigate the latest offerings from EA and Konami.
The last time I played any of EA’s Fifa licensed games was in 2004. It was on my trusty Gamecube and the only alternative at the time was ISS2 which wasn’t that great. I quite enjoyed Fifa 04 but I longed for some Pro Evolution action.
Having no PS2 at the time, and staunchly refusing to embrace Sony, the solution to my longing was to import Winning Eleven 6 and get myself a copy of Datel’s Free Loader. I was in footie heaven and I never looked at another EA Fifa game again. Well, I did look but only at reviews and the demos in the shops and that was only because I wanted to snigger at EA's feeble attempts at the beautiful game.
I truly only had eyes for PES.
Until this year’s updates that is. Fifa 09 has been getting some very positive press, as is PES, but it seemed that Fifa just maybe had the edge. Was it really the case that this year’s Fifa was better than PES? Even if it was, could I abandon PES?
I actually got a copy of Fifa 09 with my new 60Gb 360 and, well, I sold it, before giving much thought to whether I wanted to play it or not. I thought I’d probably just get PES. I read about as much as I could about the 2 offerings and I was still undecided. Fifa was probably edging it at this point so I decided to download both the demos from LIVE to see for myself. I instantly felt at home with PES and it is great! Fifa on the other hand took a little getting used to. A little bit of reconfiguring the controller to more of a PES style though and I was off and loving it.
I went out and bought Fifa 09.
Before you strike me down for switching sides you should know this, I have not lost my sanity.
It is for me the best football game available at the moment. It is realistic, flows beautifully, plays very well and has all the bonuses of the Fifa license. A license that while it probably helped EA sell shed loads of copies each year also held the series back for so long as EA relied on it to sell those very full, very large, shed loads. Fifa 09 now has on pitch beauty to rival and beat PES. It has more depth, more scope and looks absolutely stunning. It isn’t perfect though and there are one or two niggles to contend with. Player animation sometimes delays a pass or the animation simply doesn’t fit the action. The offside is excruciatingly accurate too. The linesmen must have some superhuman eyeballs or have developed an over sensitive cheat sensor in their frontal lobes.
The PES faithful no doubt bought PES 2009 on the strength of past PES successes. Why wouldn’t they? This time though they’ve backed the wrong horse. Fifa 09 is THE football game to own on. This time it’s superior in almost every way.
Fifa 08 alluded to greatness. Fifa 09 is greatness and, believe it or not, next years Fifa will be even better. Glory, glory Fifa 09. Glory, glory Fifa 09. Glory, glory Fifa 09. When E A go marching on on on!
PES fan? Fifa fan? Hate football? Still playing International Soccer on your C64 like Gameov3r? The FORUM has room for you AND you could be the 100th member with all the glitz, glamour and razzamatazz that goes with it.
Nb. There maybe down sides to being the 100th member. Gameov3r is looking for a new Space Wars player for a start and then there’s Continue? to deal with. Still, you can’t have everything and I’m sure the gang will make you welcome even minus the odd limb.
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smart arse replies
Labels: FIFA, FIFA 09, FIFA 09 vs PES 2009, Football, PES 2009, PES2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Your NXE Avatar URL
Say hello to my new Xbox avatar... that's me that is, and you can access yours by going here and changing 'Long Lost Star' for your Gamertag.
If you've chosen to use your avatar for your Gamer Picture you can also access that here.
I've shown you mine, so show us yours on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Avatar URL, New Xbox Experience, NXE, Xbox Avatar
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
The NXE Arrives
So today is the day that Xbox owners have been looking forward to or dreading. Either way there is no choice whether you use the New Xbox Experience or not so get used to it! Courtesy of Major Nelson here's a few things to try out once you've downloaded the update...
The most publicised one is to create (or customize) your Avatar.
When you are done, be sure to take a Gamer Picture of your Avatar. In the Avatar editor, choose Gamer Picture. You can use the controls to move your avatar around, zoom in and out or even change the background color (press Y).
Themes. While any themes you have should work with the NXE, check out some of the new themes via My Xbox and select your profile (second slot) and then change theme. Xbox 360, Spectrum, Day and Night are new themes that are available as part of your NXE upgrade…check them out.
One thing I didn't know was coming is the ability to delete zero gamerscore games. You can remove any games from your games played list that you have earned no achievements or gamerscore. Press the Xbox 360 guide button, navigate left to the games section and choose Achievements. From here choose the game with zero gamerscore you want to remove and press X (Delete Game History.)
Peace at last!...Install to / Play from Hard Drive.
A tip for exploring the all new dashboard - (use the trigger and bumpers to quickly scroll up and down or left and right).
Being the newest member on the GAMEOV3R Forum is a new experience most would rather miss...
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smart arse replies
Labels: New Xbox Experience, NXE
Friday, 14 November 2008
Vertical? Horizontal? Other?
Towards the end of my original PlayStation 1s life the CD drive in it would only operate properly if the machine was placed upside down. As mad as the solution sounded before I tried it, it really did work. Someone at RadioShack must have suffered with this problem too and have never gotten out of the habit of placing their consoles upside down even with the current generation...
The GAMEOV3R Forum awaits you...
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1 smart arse replies
Labels: RadioShack Xbox 360
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Fold It!
For fans of paper, glue, cutting, folding and Fable 2 you can download these pdfs and make characters that vaguely resemble those from the actual game!
The GAMEOV3R Forum awaits you...
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1 smart arse replies
Labels: Fable 2 Foldables
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Who Will You Become?
Not many people know this but I have two wives... or I should say had two wives. One of them divorced me yesterday taking my little baby boy with her and the other isn't too happy with me either. The fact that they lived just around the corner from one another I think may have contributed to this awful turn of events. Some may say it was stupid but I thought not trying to hide it was a good way to go. Maybe they would understand and I could have breakfast with one and dinner with the other, like a time share kind of arrangement. It wasn't to be.
Returning home from a lengthy adventure I was told in no uncertain terms that she was leaving town. I tried to run after her performing all of my best expressions that I know she used to love, but no amount of heroic poses, victory arm pumps or extended farting could fix this one.
This morning I'm starting to get over it and thinking about making a fresh start later on today. A number of gypsies seem uncontrollably attracted to my new tattoos so offers are coming thick and fast. Maybe I'll try to take things a little slower this time.
Life certainly moves fast in the Fable 2 world though.
Take life slowly on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Xbox 360 Suffocates To Death!
Just a warning to people that although the weather is getting colder, if you're going to leave your Xbox in an enclosed space, leave a small gap in the window so it can still breathe...
Get a warm welcome on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Red Ring of Death, Xbox 360