If you hadn't noticed already IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME! Last year the Gameov3r blog was pleased to present a Christmas song from forum members Fifi and Shine. This year they've gone one better and not only recorded a Christmas song but they posted a short You Tube clip too. Take it away guys!
Merry Christmas from Gameov3r!
If you can make reindeer antlers look good, can play a musical instrument or if you have a bright red flashing nose then the Gameov3r FORUM is the right place to be at this time of year. It's a bit safer than walking the streets with a flashing red nose that's for sure.
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
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1 smart arse replies
Labels: Christmas, Have yourselfa merry little Christmas, You Tube
Thursday, 18 December 2008
Microsoft Claus
First we get the rather attractive festive winter theme for our 360's for free. Well it's free as long as you've paid up for a Gold LIVE account. But I shall not be ungrateful because I really like the theme!
Then yesterday we get Dash for Destruction! Blimey!! A free LIVE Arcade game. Yes FREE! Free to download and free to play. Free, free, free! If you don't have it yet just stop reading this and go a get it! Microsoft are really getting into the festive spirit of giving aren't they!? Either that or they're ill and are running a dangerously high temperature, which kind of goes hand in hand with the infamous 360 hardware problems, and they're delirious.
So very briefly, because you're contact with this game will be equally brief, Dash for Destruction is, depending on the game mode you choose, either like playing Rampage but in 3D or it's like playing a pint sized version of Skid Marks on an Amiga. Well kind of. Basically one mode means you avoid a T-Rex while the other means you are a T-Rex. I was finished with the game after about 15 minutes and I doubt I'll return to it though I would like to try out the multiplayer. It would be easy for me to be extremely hard on this game but as it was utterly free I won't be. It is playable and quite good fun while it lasts. Yes it's shallow and you'll be bored after 15 minutes but you'll have earned 190 achievement points by then so it's a good return for your efforts.
Free themes, free games, they say good things come in 3's don't they?
Yes they do! I discovered the Snow Globe tonight. This being released in different regions around the world at different times so I'm unsure how long it's been available here in the UK. I think I'd have spotted it before tonight had it been there before but hey. It's in the Spotlight section, when you're connected to LIVE, if you want to check it out. As you can see from the picture the Globe is populated with your friends avatars. You can switch the avatars, press X, give the globe a shake, press A, or get the avatars to do a Mexican wave by pressing Y. There's music too so you can just leave the Globe on your screen and then go and wrap parcels to the tune of Jingle Bells repeating over and over and over and over and over and ...
So there you have it. Microsoft have been bitten by the Christmas bug and in all honesty it is a nice touch for XBox owners. I hope Microsoft continue to release these special themes and that this isn't a one off.
There are rumours that both Nintendo and Sony are also preparing festive freebies. Nintendo are discussing changing the colour of the digital clock from grey to red for the holiday season. Because red is Christmassy. Oh and also because Iwata and his pals think that all Wii owners should just about have 1 block of memory free. Sony have promised to eclipse Microsoft's generosity this year and are planning to bring Christmas to HOME. Sony are planning to do this in time for Christmas next year so expect an incomplete, lacklustre beta offering sometime in August 2010.
You thought it'd be a cold day in hell before Microsoft dished out free stuff didn't you!? What with new clothes for our Avatars too they must have seriously flipped. For further insanity but a far warmer climate try the Gameov3r FORUM. I'll put the kettle on and warm some mince pies.
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smart arse replies
Wednesday, 17 December 2008
Moley Christmas!
Have a holly jolly Christmas! And if you can’t then you can have a jolly moley one instead with Monty’s Christmas Special. This cracking little game is still available to download and best of all it's still free.
If you’re a forum member you may have already read my posts about this game. If you don’t know who Monty Mole is …. He’s an 8 Bit legend. He’s been "Wanted", “Innocent” and “On the Run”. Then it was “Auf Weidersehen” from Monty before one final fling in “Impossamole”. Some might say that Monty Mole later transferred his allegiance to Nintendo where he hid in holes in the ground in Mario games.
Monty’s Christmas Special is a tribute to all of Monty’s past games and this one is probably the best of them all. It has great SIDesque music, it looks and plays beautifully and offers a decent challenge thanks to the excellent level design. If it had been an official release back in the day it would have gathered itself a Crash Smash award and a Zzap Gold Medal with ease. If you’re looking for some festive gaming kicks then you need look no further.
I actually downloaded this last Christmas, please don't start singing Wham songs, but have yet to finish it. I intend to put that right and have a good old go at getting through it during this years holidays.
Visit Monty’s Christmas Special web page HERE or simply download the game by clicking HERE
Like getting things for free? Then the Gameov3r FORUM is probably not for you. Gameov3r requires your soul in return for membership.
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smart arse replies
Labels: Christmas, Monty Mole, Monty's Christmas Special
Tuesday, 16 December 2008
Free Your Avatar
This is just some of the rabble you'll find on the GAMEOV3R forums! Sorry if you didn't make it into the picture I kind of ran out of room.
You can make your own picture using a limited but simple little tool right here. It's a shame you can't choose different poses or expressions, I could have had some real fun with it then...
Free yourself on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Free Your Avatar, Xbox Avatar
Monday, 15 December 2008
In DEAD SPACE no one can hear you scream...
I didn’t see anything particularly new as I ploughed my way through the marauding aliens that infest the USG Ishimura. I did see elements of Bioshock, Half Life 2, Prey and Doom intertwined into the Dead Space canvas and while these weren’t subtly hidden they seamlessly became part of Dead Space’s fabric feeling as fresh as they did when you first encountered them.
So, to say Dead Space is ground breaking would be a lie but to call it a copy of these games is an injustice of equal measure. With it’s many virtues Dead Space is one of this years surprise successes. It’s so well constructed and polished that you cannot fail to be impressed.
You play as Isaac Clarke, an Interstellar Engineer, and you’ve been assigned to a team that have been sent to investigate a distress call from the deep space vessel the USG Ishimura. Once you arrive at the Ishimura you really won’t have much time to worry about repairing anything before you and your colleagues are attacked by gruesome looking aliens. Thankfully you’re not unarmed. In fact Isaac’s weapons are inspired. Using the tools of his trade - flame thrower, a levitating buzz saw, the plasma cutter, ore cutter, force gun, contact Beam and a Space Marine’s Pulse Rifle, which is effective but far less interesting to use, you’re options for disposing of the alien hoard are plentiful. All the weapons work exceptionally well and you can level them up which is key to aiding your progress. It is impossible to level up all you weapons fully in one play through which I found a little bit annoying. It’s ok if you’re going to play though the game again but with so many great games to get through at the moment is anyone going to have the time?
Dead Space looks utterly stunning. The USG Ishimura is beautifully crafted and believable. The interior of the ship varies considerably and the lighting is always first rate and is used to create some extremely eerie spaces. Animation is fluid and in the looks department the aliens would break mirrors faster than Man Widdicombe, (Thanks Captain) but only just. The aliens actually don’t vary that much throughout the game but despite their ugly similarities despatching them never gets boring. This is thanks to Isaac’s weapons as I mentioned above and also the facts that to stop the aliens quickly requires a sharp eye and lots of shooting off limbs.
If only Dead Space had included some choices. A couple of points where the game forced you to make a decision that would impact in someway on Isaac’s fight for survival thereby effecting the ultimate outcome of the story. Then Dead Space would have stood shoulder to shoulder with some of the best games of the year.
Dead Space is a quality FPS title. It is a simple, spectacular and gut-wrenching experience. It impresses with Isaac’s every step. It’s graphics, sound, suspense and action create a tangible atmosphere and the game never does the same thing over and over to the point of frustration.
If it wasn’t for the lure of Fable II, Fallout 3, Gears 2, Mirrors Edge …. and … and …. I would play through Dead Space again. Maybe I will at some point.
Did I mention that Dead Space will make you jump? It will. I was warned and I still had to peel myself off the ceiling on more than one occasion.
There are things equally frightening on the Gameov3r FORUM. There are things that are far, far smellier too.
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smart arse replies
Labels: Dead Space, Xbox 360
Sunday, 14 December 2008
Guitar Hero World Tour
I was in Tesco earlier this morning. I’m full of a cold, it’s almost a man-flu but not quite, and I had to go for supplies. Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, balsam tissues for my delicate nose, a bottle of Bell’s and a pot of honey to make Hot Toddies, a selection of Sunday papers and game mags, red chillies and 6 large eggs.
Seeing as I was there I thought I’d take a look at the dvd’s and games. I’m not that ill! Just don’t let my wife know.
What caught my eye was this, Tesco are offering Guitar Hero World Tour for the Wii, the XBox 360 and PS3 for just £50 including the full size wireless guitar. That is nothing short of a bargain!
According to the Gameov3r forum it’s been at £50 since the middle of November so I wasn’t expecting to still see this offer today. Did I buy it? No. There’s no way I could get it into the house un-noticed! Maybe one day in the week though.
Rock on over to the Gameov3r FORUM
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smart arse replies
Labels: 360, Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero World Tour, PS3, Wii
Saturday, 13 December 2008
Mad World Wii
Because it's nearly Christmas Platinum Games have released a new trailer of their excellent looking Wii exclusive Mad World. Wow! Erm, it's not a particularly festive trailer but Platinum Games have allegedly promised to post their interpretation of Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer next week. Apparently Rudolf will be delivering parcels in Varrigan City. Good luck to him. Here's the trailer...
This game is looking better and better every time I see it. I suspect my Wii will be getting a lot of use again in the not too distant future.....
Thankfully Gary Jules has nothing to do with this game. Although I wouldn't mind seeing him behind one a yellow censored panels in the trailer. There are bright yellow patches on the Gameov3r FORUM
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smart arse replies
Labels: Mad World, Nintendo Wii
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Calling TIME Out On Playstation Home
I've been reading today that TIME magazine has included Playstation Home at number 10 in it's top 10 gadgets for 2008. Their write up reads as follows:
After a number of launch delays, Sony's virtual world, "Home" gives folks one more reason to buy its pricey PS3 video game console. Users create their own human-looking avatar and get a virtual apartment near the "town square," a base of operations from which to socialize, play games and purchase an endless variety of Sony goods and services (think games, movies, music and more.) A cross between Second Life and the Sims, the service shows the promise of a commercial Metaverse. Price: free
What do they mean after a number of launch delays? It's still in a closed beta as of today and that's ignoring the fact it isn't really a gadget at all is it? Picking it apart even more, the shops were empty until a few days ago and the items available now are far from endless. Thinking about 'games, movies and music' is about all you'll be doing as none of these things are for sale. So what fits into the 'more' category then? A few items of clothing and furniture.
I've not been in the beta for all that long and in that time I've loaded it up twice and already I wonder why I would go back. The only part that held my attention for any length of time was the gaming area where I enjoyed a game of bowling and pool, but they're hardly games you'll keep going back to. I've already experienced racist comments and watched as immature guys try to chat up girls with all the subtlety of a brick to the face. Not everyone will abuse it I'm sure and I'm fully aware this is a beta release but Sony had better be holding a lot back as I can already feel the anti climax approaching. The sun is out and people are at home yet to me it feels very cold, sterile and empty.
I know I sound pretty negative but I'm failing to see the innovation here so until Sony release the full thing and change it, my opinion is what it is.
So how much did Sony pay you for the top 10 advert TIME magazine? You haven't even 'played' it have you?
Different opinion? Voice it here or on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Playstation Home, TIME magazine, Top 10 Gadgets
Monday, 8 December 2008
This Is Hardcore... Scrabble!
I've been reading this news in various places and can only assume it is genuine as one of them refers to a response from Ubisoft. Either way it made me laugh so here's the gist of it.
A mother bought Scrabble 2007 Edition for the DS rated 3+ for her young son but was surprised to find the computer players using strings of swear words. Mrs Carrington decided to test out the game further and was taken aback when her opponent laid down the word 't*ts'. Helpfully the game also includes a definition to eliminate any confusion which in this case is 'a garden bird' and also 'an informal word for female breasts'.
Not too bad but on further play the computer offered 'f**kers', defined as 'a slang word for chavs'. To rub salt in the wound the word received a triple score losing her the game and leaving Mrs Carrington furious, "Ethan has only just got over us getting him a pink DS and now we've had to ban this game" she wasn't heard saying.
Other interesting details in the article include the fact the game is available at ASDA in its two-for-£25 deal and that Mrs Carrington's husband isn't a tycoon called Blake but in fact runs a hair salon.
A spokesman for Ubisoft said: 'F****ers, I'm really p****ed about this, we need to get our s**t together. The people who rated this must have been off their t*ts'... no of course he didn't say that, what he really said was 'We are sorry the game has caused concern, but it includes a "junior" option that stops it using unusual or offensive words'. Not such a great cliffhanger ending though is it?
I shouldn't laugh, the game should clearly contain a warning... I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry.
Expand your vocabulary on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Scrabble, Scrabble 2007 Nintendo DS, Swear words in DS Scrabble
Friday, 5 December 2008
I saw one of these………
.....today so I thought I’d share.
Emulating an Atari 2600 (VCS) on your PC or Mac is easy. Using an emulator, Stella or Z26, allows you to play classic games like Pitfall and H.E.R.O almost exactly as you did in the late 70's and early 80's. I spent far too many hours in front of a wood panel effect TV, that incidentally matched the Atari’s wood panel almost perfectly, playing on our 2600 and getting a sore palm thanks to the rubbery delight that is the Atari 2600 joystick.The Atari single button joystick is far from complex, looks rather dull and is best described as workman-like in it’s operation but it got the job done and was a key part of the 2600.
When emulating a game on a modern computer or Mac it’s been difficult if not impossible to use original controllers and this leaves the experience lacking that authentic something. Up, Down, Left, Right arrows and spacebar to jump or shoot is no substitute for an original controller.
Thanks to Atariage.com you can now buy an adaptor, theStelladaptor 2600 to USB Interface, that plugs into your computer and lets you plug in your Atari 2600 compatible controller. No drivers and no messing around. It really is plug and play. The Stelladaptor also recognises the Atari 2600 paddle and driving controllers.
It’s not cheap at $39.95 but worth it if you’re a retro game fan or more specifically an Atari 2600 fan.
For me even certain games became controller specific. Street Fighter II just isn’t Street Fighter II without an SNES pad. Goldeneye 64 needs an N64 controller, PES a PS2 pad, Sonic the Hedgehog has to have a Mega Drive pad, any Commodore 64 game needs a good old Quick Shot 2 joystick and any Forum worth it’s salt needs a Gameov3r.
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smart arse replies
Labels: Atari, Atari 2600, Stelladaptor
"Black or White" Performed on NXE
Aaow It Don't Matter Oooo...hee hee the GAMEOV3R If You're Ooh, Ooh Forum awaits you... Black Or White hee, go yeah, hee hee... aaow!
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smart arse replies
Labels: Black or White Performed on NXE, New Xbox Experience
Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Cubello still grating on you?... Take out those ear plugs and sooth your ears with the demo of Auditorium here.
Sorry but the GAMEOV3R Forum does not give refunds on used ear plugs...
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smart arse replies
Labels: Auditorium
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Currah! It's Cubello!!
Did you ever have or hear one of those Currah Speech 64 cartridges? It's a black plastic cartridge that plugged into the back of the Commodore 64 and enabled your C64 to speak any words that you typed in. All very clever but the voice sounded like Roland Rat after he'd swallowed Metal Mickey and then inhaled 8.9 cubic feet of helium gas. With a voice so irritating it was only right that I, and probably most other like-minded teenage boys and girls, made the C64 swear like a trooper.
Despite my reminiscing the Speech 64 cartridge isn't what I'm going to talk about but it is important to keep it in mind. You see, I've been playing Cubello, one of the Art Style WiiWare titles, lately and while it is a superb puzzle game that challenges your hand-eye co-ordination, spacial awareness and logic all in equal measure it seems that the programmers either have a special place in their hearts for Currah's cartridge or they have a fetish about a rat, a robot and a large amount of gas.
A grating robotic voice welcomes you to the game and then talks you through the tutorial. If it's monotone, metallic drone has not perforated your eardrum so far you'll be doing very well. There's no escape though, oh no, that the damn voice won't go away! It comments on all your moves throughout the game and you can't turn it off!
Voice aside.... Cubello is a simple puzzle game. Basically you shoot one block at another block of the same colour by using the wiimote to point and the A button to fire. 4 blocks of the same colour will vanish and it's your task to clear all the blocks from each puzzle. Simple! Well, simple initially. Cubello is superficially shallow. Clear the first few puzzles, acclimatise yourself to the way the puzzle works and Cubello's depth is revealed. A quick game can easily turn into an hour as you try to complete just one more Cubello. And then another one. And another one.
Cubello looks basic but it's sufficient and works extremely well. In fact each cubello sweeps and turns effortlessly and is quite mesmerising to watch. The sound is basic, there's no music, not that I can recall at this moment anyway. This suggests that I've either become senile during the course of today or that it's a crap and completely unmemorable score or there really isn't any music. I'm 99% certain there isn't any but I wouldn't like to rule out the other 2 options completely. Oh, mustn't forget to mention that annoying robotic voice again. Perhaps it's one of the voices that Steven Hawking rejected? Who'd blame him! The gameplay deceives you into thinking it is very basic. It is a clever game indeed that sneaks up on you, taps you on the shoulder and makes you want to play and play and play and before you know it you've turned night into day.
You have two styles of play available to you. Endless Mode which speaks for itself or you can work your way through the puzzle stages one by one. Both ways of playing are excellent and while there is no 2 Player option choosing Stages allows you to pass the Wiimote to another player to see if they can beat the same puzzle or the time you've just set.
The biggest disappointment in Cubello is that the voice doesn't swear. Not once. I considered asking for a refund because of this but have since become hooked on the gameplay. At only 600 Wii Points Cubello represents a bargain and even more important than it's tiny price is that it only takes up 47 blocks of Wii memory.
Cubello is an excellent puzzle game that I'd highly recommend.
Special Gameov3r ear plugs have been ordered. Join the Forum and grab yours before Cubello becomes the phenomenon that it should and we run out! Or Gameov3r tries them all for size. Probably not in his ears.
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smart arse replies
Labels: Cubello, Currah Speech 64, Wiiware
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Famous Avatars
As with Miis before them, people are busy putting their creative skills to use trying to recreate famous characters using the NXE avatars. Many of which are surprisingly good too. A couple are below, follow the link at the bottom for more.
Images from gamesradar
More here
On an unrelated note, Chinese Democracy was finally released this week. Anyone noticed the elephant at around 2:24 on Shacklers Revenge ;) ? Let me know on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Avatars, New Xbox Experience, NXE
Monday, 24 November 2008
Decisions, decisions! A World at War Review
Forum member and all round dreadlocked good guy Huzzellio has been in a bit of a dilema recently. Huzz, a COD 4 afficionado that had just sampled the delights of COD 5 WaW beta on his 360, faced a problem. Buy World at War for the Wii or for the 360?
What a dilema I've had! In all truth my Wii hasn't done a lot of gaming in the last few weeks, in fact make that the last few months! Since Mario Kart was released I haven't even considered the Wii for my gaming kicks. There just hasn't been anything to really grab my attention.
The 360 has been dominating my gaming time of late, and while I love the 360 I can't help feeling frustrated at my lack of interest in the little white Nintendo box of joy. I want to play it, I want to love it but somehow it always seems to just miss the mark, or fails to capture my imagination. I'm not sure why! Maybe I just prefer the more 'hardcore' type of game (although I do really hate that expression).
Anyway I digress. Where was I? Oh yeah, the dilema. Call of Duty: World at War has been released on my beloved 360 AND the Wii. In my current mindset it would be obvious to go with the big noisy Microsoft red ring of death powerhouse that is the XBox. In fact I'd already been told that I was definitely getting the game on 360 for christmas. Buying the game on Wii as well would be nothing short of madness wouldn't it? But wait....maybe I should give Nintendo another chance? The thing that first attracted me to the Wii was that trailer for Red Steel, y'know the one - that guy sitting in his armchair pointing his Wiimote at the screen like a real gun, getting so into the game he was physically dodging the bullets around his living room!
This could be the Wii's chance to finally shine! So that was it, decision made. I went out, traded Mario Kart (risky move as it was the only game keeping my Wii alive) and bought it.
So the time had come, I fired up my dusty Wii and inserted the disc.
First impressions were positive. The menu screen looked similar to the 360 beta that I'd played to death. So I went straight to multiplayer to mix it up on my favourite mode 'Free for All'. It searched for a match and found one in good time, easily as quick as the 360 equivalent. So far so good! First map - Makin!
Now I should explain, I know Makin very well. It was on the beta and is the home to my one and only 19 kill streak. I was viewing this as the perfect opportunity to show Wii owners how we do it in Huzz town!
The map loaded quickly and then I was faced with it. I could see it was Makin, it looked like Makin yet somehow it looked different. A low res version of the map I've played a million times. Then I moved.......a lower frame rate. Where as the 360 was silky smooth, the Wii was packing around half the frames. And then I tried to navigate my way around. Suddenly I was walking into walls, looking up at the sky, looking down at the floor, spraying bullets like they were going out of fashion......I COULDN'T PLAY PROPERLY!!!!! It's a weird thing, it was like I was playing CoD 5 but in some strange parallel universe.
So there it was, a low res, less smooth, hard to control version of a game I thought I knew very well.
So I made a huge mistake in forking out for this game, trading my copy of MK in the process right? Are you kidding? I LOVED EVERY SECOND!!
Hold on....rewind a moment. Remember how I said I fell in love with the Wii because of the Red Steel trailers? That was my dream and until now no FPS had gripped me. Okay the graphics are worse than the 360 but did I expect anything else? NO! They are worse but they are very GOOD Wii graphics. The game isn't as smooth, did this come as a surprise? NO!! The frame rate IS lower but they never seem to stutter and it is very consistant. The game is hard to control compared to the 360, am I bothered? NO!! I'm not twiddling two sticks, I'm pointing a gun at the screen for crying out loud! Of course it's harder!!
The fact is the Wii version offers a very different feeling to it's higher powered cousins. As I've mentioned in other posts, the 360 and PS3 versions feel like 'CoD 4.5: World War 2 Edition'. It's not a bad thing, I love CoD 4, but it still feels like an expansion pack. But the Wii feels like a fresh game. Yes I'm struggling with the controls (at the moment) but I'm loving the challenge of trying to master them.
I know they've stripped out some game modes, and no doubt people will always gripe about it, but the gameplay itself makes up for it.
This is the first game where I believe owning both version is the correct thing to do. Treyarch have taken a great game and added the Wii dynamic to the gameplay, the dynamic that I dreamed about since the days of the Red Steel trailer.
So has the Wii finally come out of retirement for Private Huzzellio? SIR YES SIR! But if you come across me on the battlefield, go easy on me. I still can't get to grips with the controls!!
Thanks for that Huzz. Now I've read your review and also General Hillyjo's relentless recruiting on the forum, ready for his first skirmish, I am sorely tempted to get WaW for my Wii. I'm also beginning to wonder if you and Hilly have perfected Jedi mind control!
More reviews, opinion, Jedi mind tricks, and moist patches on the Gameov3rFORUM. Best to avoid the moist patches.
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smart arse replies
Labels: 360, Cod 5, Wii, World at War
Friday, 21 November 2008
FIFA 09 - 1 PES 2009 - 0
Before I say anything, oh darn it, I already said something. At least I didn’t say anything. D’oh! I would first like to apologise for the lack of posting on the Gameov3r blog. It has been Gameov3r’s will to keep me locked in endless games of Space Wars ever since he had a mainframe reconstructed in The Cellar. Thankfully he’s now having more fun trying to recreate the gravity field of the game using a 60 watt bulb and some empty Caffrey’s cans so I’m off the hook.
After my escape from The Cellar and seeing all the vector splendour of Space Wars over and over again I wanted something new and up to date to play. Being a football fan I figured there was no better time to investigate the latest offerings from EA and Konami.
The last time I played any of EA’s Fifa licensed games was in 2004. It was on my trusty Gamecube and the only alternative at the time was ISS2 which wasn’t that great. I quite enjoyed Fifa 04 but I longed for some Pro Evolution action.
Having no PS2 at the time, and staunchly refusing to embrace Sony, the solution to my longing was to import Winning Eleven 6 and get myself a copy of Datel’s Free Loader. I was in footie heaven and I never looked at another EA Fifa game again. Well, I did look but only at reviews and the demos in the shops and that was only because I wanted to snigger at EA's feeble attempts at the beautiful game.
I truly only had eyes for PES.
Until this year’s updates that is. Fifa 09 has been getting some very positive press, as is PES, but it seemed that Fifa just maybe had the edge. Was it really the case that this year’s Fifa was better than PES? Even if it was, could I abandon PES?
I actually got a copy of Fifa 09 with my new 60Gb 360 and, well, I sold it, before giving much thought to whether I wanted to play it or not. I thought I’d probably just get PES. I read about as much as I could about the 2 offerings and I was still undecided. Fifa was probably edging it at this point so I decided to download both the demos from LIVE to see for myself. I instantly felt at home with PES and it is great! Fifa on the other hand took a little getting used to. A little bit of reconfiguring the controller to more of a PES style though and I was off and loving it.
I went out and bought Fifa 09.
Before you strike me down for switching sides you should know this, I have not lost my sanity.
It is for me the best football game available at the moment. It is realistic, flows beautifully, plays very well and has all the bonuses of the Fifa license. A license that while it probably helped EA sell shed loads of copies each year also held the series back for so long as EA relied on it to sell those very full, very large, shed loads. Fifa 09 now has on pitch beauty to rival and beat PES. It has more depth, more scope and looks absolutely stunning. It isn’t perfect though and there are one or two niggles to contend with. Player animation sometimes delays a pass or the animation simply doesn’t fit the action. The offside is excruciatingly accurate too. The linesmen must have some superhuman eyeballs or have developed an over sensitive cheat sensor in their frontal lobes.
The PES faithful no doubt bought PES 2009 on the strength of past PES successes. Why wouldn’t they? This time though they’ve backed the wrong horse. Fifa 09 is THE football game to own on. This time it’s superior in almost every way.
Fifa 08 alluded to greatness. Fifa 09 is greatness and, believe it or not, next years Fifa will be even better. Glory, glory Fifa 09. Glory, glory Fifa 09. Glory, glory Fifa 09. When E A go marching on on on!
PES fan? Fifa fan? Hate football? Still playing International Soccer on your C64 like Gameov3r? The FORUM has room for you AND you could be the 100th member with all the glitz, glamour and razzamatazz that goes with it.
Nb. There maybe down sides to being the 100th member. Gameov3r is looking for a new Space Wars player for a start and then there’s Continue? to deal with. Still, you can’t have everything and I’m sure the gang will make you welcome even minus the odd limb.
Posted by
smart arse replies
Labels: FIFA, FIFA 09, FIFA 09 vs PES 2009, Football, PES 2009, PES2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Your NXE Avatar URL
Say hello to my new Xbox avatar... that's me that is, and you can access yours by going here and changing 'Long Lost Star' for your Gamertag.
If you've chosen to use your avatar for your Gamer Picture you can also access that here.
I've shown you mine, so show us yours on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Avatar URL, New Xbox Experience, NXE, Xbox Avatar
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
The NXE Arrives
So today is the day that Xbox owners have been looking forward to or dreading. Either way there is no choice whether you use the New Xbox Experience or not so get used to it! Courtesy of Major Nelson here's a few things to try out once you've downloaded the update...
The most publicised one is to create (or customize) your Avatar.
When you are done, be sure to take a Gamer Picture of your Avatar. In the Avatar editor, choose Gamer Picture. You can use the controls to move your avatar around, zoom in and out or even change the background color (press Y).
Themes. While any themes you have should work with the NXE, check out some of the new themes via My Xbox and select your profile (second slot) and then change theme. Xbox 360, Spectrum, Day and Night are new themes that are available as part of your NXE upgrade…check them out.
One thing I didn't know was coming is the ability to delete zero gamerscore games. You can remove any games from your games played list that you have earned no achievements or gamerscore. Press the Xbox 360 guide button, navigate left to the games section and choose Achievements. From here choose the game with zero gamerscore you want to remove and press X (Delete Game History.)
Peace at last!...Install to / Play from Hard Drive.
A tip for exploring the all new dashboard - (use the trigger and bumpers to quickly scroll up and down or left and right).
Being the newest member on the GAMEOV3R Forum is a new experience most would rather miss...
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smart arse replies
Labels: New Xbox Experience, NXE
Friday, 14 November 2008
Vertical? Horizontal? Other?
Towards the end of my original PlayStation 1s life the CD drive in it would only operate properly if the machine was placed upside down. As mad as the solution sounded before I tried it, it really did work. Someone at RadioShack must have suffered with this problem too and have never gotten out of the habit of placing their consoles upside down even with the current generation...
The GAMEOV3R Forum awaits you...
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1 smart arse replies
Labels: RadioShack Xbox 360
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Fold It!
For fans of paper, glue, cutting, folding and Fable 2 you can download these pdfs and make characters that vaguely resemble those from the actual game!
The GAMEOV3R Forum awaits you...
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Labels: Fable 2 Foldables
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Who Will You Become?
Not many people know this but I have two wives... or I should say had two wives. One of them divorced me yesterday taking my little baby boy with her and the other isn't too happy with me either. The fact that they lived just around the corner from one another I think may have contributed to this awful turn of events. Some may say it was stupid but I thought not trying to hide it was a good way to go. Maybe they would understand and I could have breakfast with one and dinner with the other, like a time share kind of arrangement. It wasn't to be.
Returning home from a lengthy adventure I was told in no uncertain terms that she was leaving town. I tried to run after her performing all of my best expressions that I know she used to love, but no amount of heroic poses, victory arm pumps or extended farting could fix this one.
This morning I'm starting to get over it and thinking about making a fresh start later on today. A number of gypsies seem uncontrollably attracted to my new tattoos so offers are coming thick and fast. Maybe I'll try to take things a little slower this time.
Life certainly moves fast in the Fable 2 world though.
Take life slowly on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Xbox 360 Suffocates To Death!
Just a warning to people that although the weather is getting colder, if you're going to leave your Xbox in an enclosed space, leave a small gap in the window so it can still breathe...
Get a warm welcome on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: Red Ring of Death, Xbox 360
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Xbox Experience Noise Test
Of all the things the new Xbox experience is going to bring, one of the best things for me is the ability to install games to the hard drive. Not only will they load quicker but also cut the amount of noise the thing makes. Even with a newer Xbox the sound it makes when the DVD drive is spinning is a little ridiculous compared to the Wii or PS3. So exactly how much quieter will it be? Watch this...
Peace, love and respect... but mostly PEACE!
Make some noise on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: New Xbox Experience, Xbox 360, Xbox 360 Noise Test
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Endurance Test
I've been going through my game case recently trying to actually finish off all those games I keep saying I'm going to finish off... one day. So far I'm doing quite well with another one finally complete (Conan on the 360) after not touching it for around 8 or 9 months. One of the biggest problems I find is that if I put a game down for a length of time I can rarely be bothered to relearn the controls again. Often it's not as difficult as I think it'll be it's just this mental block I create. The thing is I'd left Conan with only the final boss left to fight, so why hadn't I just done it and traded it in for something else months a go?
Within around 15 minutes of asking this question the answer arrived with a resounding thud... the kind of thud sound that banging your head repeatedly against a wall would create. This boss wasn't a test of skill, it was a test of endurance. Six bloody stages of endurance to be precise. Each time I got his energy bar down to zero I thought that's it, I've done it, but the game had other ideas. The thing transformed into something else and I had to do the same again... and again... and again. I realised I wasn't actually even enjoying playing it anymore, which is a shame as whilst not a fantastic game the rest of it had been lots of fun. It was only my stubbornness of not wanting it to get the better of me that carried me through. There was no joy having got there though, just relief. I could finally get rid of it knowing I beat it, and I couldn't get rid of it fast enough! So 85% of games go unfinished? Someone tell the developers of this in case they make a second one please!
There are no endurance tests to join the GAMEOV3R Forum, just some unpleasant jobs for the newest member...
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smart arse replies
Friday, 24 October 2008
Seven Trials?
I finished Prey on the 360 last night. Quite an old game now but available very cheap. It's not bad but a little disorientating when the floor can suddenly become the ceiling. None of the puzzles are actually that difficult but it can sometimes be hard to actually see where you're supposed to be going.
Anyway that's not really what I'm writing about... the bit that confused me more is a short level right near the end where you meet up with your spirit Grandpa. In it he tells me I must complete seven trials but strangely I never found these, neither were they ever mentioned again. In fact within around half an hour of being told about this I'd finished the game. Maybe the game was intended to be longer and these trials didn't make the final version? Maybe the developers thought I wouldn't notice? Anyone know what the old fool was on about?
"Earth's savior doesn't want the job." There are worse jobs on the GAMEOV3R Forum believe me...
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smart arse replies
Labels: PREY, Seven Trials, Venom Games, Xbox 360
Friday, 17 October 2008
Transfer from 20Gb 360 Hard Drive to a 60Gb 360 Hard Drive
If you're upgrading from a 20Gb 360 hdd to a 60Gb you know it works thanks to Lee's post earlier this week.
I also made the change to a 60Gb 360 earlier this week and interestingly enough I had a chance to compare the software and cables supplied for the transfer to the 60Gb with those supplied when transferring to a 120Gb as this seems to be where the confusion lies.
So let's play Spot the Difference!
At first glance it may appear to be the same but a closer inspection, if your eyes are good enough to read the text on the disk sleeves, you can see that the software is different. The transfer won't work if you use the 120Gb software unless you're using the 120Gb hdd. The part number for the 60Gb hdd is X13-45328-04 and that's the one you need for the transfer to work.
I suspect that the newer 60Gb software works with all sizes of hdd considering that Microsoft only tell you to make sure the destination drive is the same size or larger than your original source drive and that all mention of the 120Gb size has been removed from the packaging and booklet.
If you have an old 20Gb that's ageing faster than it should then the 60Gb is a great option. The one I have operates quieter and has a manufacter date of 08/08 so I'm hoping all the gremlins have been ironed out seeing as my old console was an 06 version. You will need to have lots of patience while you wait for MS to post you a cable, thanks for saving me the pain Lee, or you could ask Gamestation if they have a Transfer Pack. If you trade in at Gamestation, as I did, they'll very kindly loan you your original hdd to take away with you so that you can transfer all your content which makes the whole deal sweet and very straight forward. Just make sure they give you the right software. The Gamestation shop that I went to only had the Elite Transfer Pack so despite them being helpful and loaning me the pack they didn't have a clue if it would work or not.
Another chance to migrate to the GAMEOV3R Forum?
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smart arse replies
Labels: 20Gb to 60Gb, Data Migration Cable, Xbox 360 Data Transfer Cable, Xbox 360 Upgrade
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Xbox 360 Memory Upgrade Offer
Update to the post regarding those Arcade Xbox 360 console owners without enough free space for the 'new experience' arriving on November 19th.
Go to this web page to see if you are eligible for the upgrade offer. Apparently you'll be offered either a free 512MB memory unit or a discounted refurbished 20GB hard drive. Not a bad deal at all really.
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smart arse replies
Labels: Xbox 360, Xbox Memory Upgrade Offer
Monday, 13 October 2008
Xbox 360 20GB to 60GB Data Transfer
I'm posting this purely in the hope that people thinking about upgrading for whatever reason to the Xbox 360 with a 60GB hard drive will come across it among all the posts on forums that say this doesn't work.
I recently upgraded due to a faulty DVD drive in my old 20GB 360 and took the opportunity to go for a larger hard drive due to the recent price drop. The form you fill in on the Microsoft website in order to obtain the free data migration cable only mentions the Elite console, but I crossed this out and sent it off anyway. During the three weeks I spent waiting for the cable (yes, three weeks Microsoft!) I've heard advice from game shops that the process may not work for the 60GB console. I've also read numerous posts on forums from people that say they have tried this and it doesn't work. I couldn't find a single article that said a 20GB to 60GB transfer had been successful. I was getting a little worried and thinking my only option may be to buy a Microsoft Memory Unit and transfer my saves that way. While not a huge outlay it's not something I really wanted to be having to spend more money on.
Anyway the cable turned up the weekend and worked a treat. Everything was transferred over in around 40 minutes. With the licenses transferred everything is back to normal only with a bit more free space. The only reason I can think that others have had trouble is if the CD that comes supplied with the cable has been updated since the 60GB console was released and maybe the older kits intended for the Elite don't work?
EDIT: Further Reading...
Why not migrate to the GAMEOV3R Forum?
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smart arse replies
Labels: Data Migration Cable, Xbox 360 Data Transfer Cable, Xbox 360 Upgrade
Experience This
The new Xbox 'experience' is set to arrive on November 19th but first there are a few hurdles to overcome... the update requires 128MB of free space and therefore a hard drive is recommended for the optimal experience as some Arcade console users are going to be struggling for space.
The update is not optional so Microsoft have said that they plan to offer some kind of solution but haven't yet stated exactly what that will be. Users in this position are being told to keep checking xbox.com for details in the coming weeks. Free memory units for all? Discounted hard drive or memory units for affected customers? Either way if it ends up costing these customers for something they are forced to accept there could be some unhappy people come November 19th.
Share your experiences on the GAMEOV3R Forum
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smart arse replies
Labels: New Xbox Experience, Xbox Dashboard Update
Sunday, 12 October 2008
de BLOB - Review
Gameov3r forum member FALLEN124ANGEL got his hands on de Blob recently. We haven't heard a peep out of him since. Judging by this review de BLOB probably has something to do with it!
de Blob is a new 3rd party Wii game developed by BlueTongue. The game starts with a cut-scene showing Chroma City, a peaceful, colourful place, suddenly getting invaded by Inkies of the I.N.K.T. During the process, all civilians are kidnapped and drained of all colour and freedom so that they can be forced to work in the now black and white city. However, 5 brave characters resisted the mass arrest and escaped to become ‘Colour Revolutionarys’. These are Prof, Bif, Zip, Arty and your character.
Before each level, you are given the choice of what mood of music you’d like to play to which range from Blissful to Jazzy, even one called Competitive! On the loading screen, your Wiimote pointer works as a paintbrush allowing you to scribble over the background while you wait. As you paint more, you get a treat of a comic book-style objective page.
You play as ‘de Blob’, a transparent, well, blob! The aim of the game is to restore colour to the now-dull areas of the city and stop the evil I.N.K.T corporation before they do any more damage. You do this by collecting the wandering colour capsules and paint the levels, trees, buildings, the lot. As you play through the levels, you encounter timed challenges set by fellow coloured creatures. These come in 4 different types: there’s painting certain streets in certain colours, as set by Arty, squishing I.N.K.T troopers, more often than not set by Bif, Zip normally sets timed sprints and finally there’s Prof who instructs you to restore main landmarks with colour. Mixing colours are easy and sometimes vital for some of Arty’s tasks.
The colours you can pick up are blue, yellow, and red from which you can mix into green, purple and orange. The maps are absolutely massive which helps to show just what the Wii is actually capable of. As you play through, you learn new moves to help you get about the areas of the city, such as the Zip-Jump, or Z-Jump, which simply requires you to lock onto each target in turn and jump for one to another. Once you’ve finished each stage, you unlock the stage as a speed-run mode.
You play the game using the Wiimote + Nunchuk combo. Controls are very simple and easy to pick up. As you’d have thought, you walk (or rather slide) by using the Nunchuk’s control stick. Other actions are locking on which is done by holding the Z button, jumping by flicking the Wiimote downwards, centering the camera behind you with the C button, rotating the camera around you by pressing the sideways buttons on the D-Pad and using the compass to show you objectives/challenges with the A button.
…and that’s just the story mode! As well as this, there’s a Free Paint mode where you can take as much time as you wish on any of the stages you’ve unlocked and a Multiplayer mode. In multiplayer, you have one paint capsule and the aim of the game is to paint as much as you can and rack up lots of points. The only thing is that the other player can lock on and jump at you to steal the paint so that they can get as much points as they can.
Right, I reckon I’ve been going on for long enough, so I leave you with this message, GET THIS GAME!! Definitely a 9.8/10 from me.
Thanks Fallen.
So the man from the Gameov3r FORUM! He say ... YES!! Did you get de Blob?
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smart arse replies
Labels: BlueTongue, de Blob, Review
Friday, 10 October 2008
Space Invaders 'Even More' Extreme
Space Invaders Extreme on the DS and PSP has been one of my most played hand held games for a while now, and has featured here on the blog before. It really is a great update of a classic and I just discovered there is going to be a version released for the XBLA!
It'll be getting an HD makeover plus Jeff Minter will be doing the visualizers for it. It's also set to feature up to 4 player co-op and versus modes. Co-op allows players to take on the Arcade Mode with more challenging enemies but with a shared life pool. Whether this will be online or not is unclear at the moment and unfortunately we have to wait until 2009.
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smart arse replies
Labels: Space Invaders Extreme, XBLA
It is true that only 15% of gamers complete the games they play. A massive 85% of us don’t finish what we start!
I wonder what the figures would be for people that don't finish watching a movie? What if we’re faced with a bowl of ice cream or a Millie’s cookie? 100% complete I’m sure.
Not the fairest comparisons considering the length of a movie or the amount of time a Millie’s cookie would last in the hands of some Gameov3r members, compared to the time required to finish a video game.
So, are games too long? Too hard? Are there just too many games or are gamers a fickle bunch that move on to a newer, better game as soon as one’s released? Who says we only finish 15% of games we play anyway?
The 85% figure comes from Microsoft and is based on Achievement figures. This isn’t a figure representing a gamer obtaining all the available Gamer Points in a game just finishing the story/final level. It doesn’t in anyway represent Sony or Nintendo although I think that a similar percentage would be true for PS3 owners. The Wii might be slightly different, if the Wii is truly owned by a majority of casual gamers, we may well have a figure even higher.
Is something fundamentally wrong with games if hardly anyone finishes them?
If there is, then how are developers going to get us to complete the games we play? Making games shorter or creating compilations of mini games is one way and does seem to be the approach of some narrow minded Wii developers that are cashing in on the popularity of the console and it’s perceived casual market. Making games easier isn’t the answer although having a choice of difficulty levels certainly helps to make a game accessible for everyone. More often than not though developers force the player to play through on Normal or harder if you’re going to get any bonuses, unlockables or Achievements.
ATARI have taken a step in a direction. Maybe. Playing Alone in the Dark, a flawed game in many ways, presents the player with the opportunity to skip scenes, basically skip whole sections of the game thus providing the player with a chance to simply avoid a tough part of the game. Perhaps ATARI included this feature because Alone in the Dark plays so awfully that they thought there would be little chance of anyone getting to the end any other way and inadvertently find themselves being mentioned here. But maybe, just maybe, they saw the 85% and decided to try something a little different.
Who knows, maybe sometime soon 85% of us will finish the games we start. Do you start what you finish or does it inexplicably get cut off halfway through? Many more jokes spring to mind, but now is not the time for toilet humour…… Gameov3r’s FORUM awaits…..
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smart arse replies
Labels: achievements, complete, games
Monday, 6 October 2008
Wii Storage Solution?
It seems rumours of a hard drive for the Wii have been shot down by this translation from the Japanese press conference regarding Nintendo's solution to the storage problem facing many Wii owners.
Satoru Iwata said:
"We will make it so that, when there is not enough room on the Wii's internal memory, you will be able to purchase and download Virtual Console and WiiWare software directly from the Shopping Channel to an SD memory card. We will also make it so that you will need to go through just one process in order to transfer Virtual Console or WiiWare software stored on an SD card to the Wii console and then be able to play it. We would like to deal with this issue utilizing two methods. Since the updates to realize these new structures will require significant revisions to the Wii system, and these changes need to be made by taking care of a variety of different angles, this method will become effective beginning next spring. For some of you, this may be considered late. But please know that we really appreciate your cooperation and understanding. We are working hard so we can begin the service as soon as possible."
What I would hope this 'one process' means is that all games whether stored on your Wii or SD card show up as a channel available to play. If the game you select to play happens to be on the SD card the Wii would make room on its internal memory by moving a game/s to the SD card if necessary and then copying the game you want to play to the Wii and launching it all in a short space of time. If this isn't what is being described then this still seems like a bit of a half measure, especially considering how long we still have to wait. You still won't be playing VC or WiiWare titles directly from SD card or indeed any form of external storage. I can understand the piracy issues involved with doing that and lets face it with the R4 and similar cards on the DS and the 'Homebrew' channel on the Wii, Nintendo already have plenty to worry about there. I did think the solution would perhaps be more of a direct solution than what will be offered however.
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smart arse replies
Labels: Wii Hard Drive, Wii HD, Wii Storage Solution
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Nintendo DSi
Here it is then, the much rumored new Nintendo DS, the DSi. Arriving in Japan on November 1st and due in Europe sometime around Spring 2009. Features then...
- 17% bigger screens.
- Slightly thinner than a DS lite but slightly wider.
- "Audio enhancements", AAC playback.
- Built in 640x480 cameras, one external and one internal next to the mic.
- Built in browser.
- SD memory card slot (plus internal storage) for saving pictures and downloadable games from the DSi shop.
- Shorter battery life than the DS lite (depending on screen brightness) but a faster charging time.
For all those additions you do lose the GBA slot so no more GBA games or Guitar Hero on Tour.
Tempt anyone?
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smart arse replies
Labels: New DS, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Wii Bomberman Blast
Forum member Tooms gives us his impressions of the latest Wii Bomberman game Bomberman Blast. Amongst other things. It's all yours Tooms!
First things first, I like Bomberman. When we get together with friends, Bomberman is always played. No matter what else. It seems to be universal. Even the Wife enjoys it.
Normally we play the Gamecube version. It always involves swearing and kicking and a lot of laughing. And picking on people. Bomberman is all about picking on people.
When I was a kid **beware – too much personal info alert** I used to go to a shop in my local town, that sold computer games. Do they still exist? Not GAME or Gamestation, but a one man band type thing. I used to frequent 2 others in my local larger town. In one of these is where I first played Street Fighter 2 arcade machine (and a man who could finish it as Zangief only using spinning pile drivers and getting a perfect on every level !!), and saw an Atari ST with graphics that were truly amazing.
Anyway my local shop had a Bomberman tournament. On a Super NES with the little multi adapter thingy that I so wanted to own but was never allowed! Anyway I liked Bomberman, I played and managed to kick my friends ass and I won the competition. I got a water bottle. YAY ME !!
Now it is 2008 and I have a Wii and Bomberman has finally been released onto the sleek white bundle of joy. So what is it like??
Well I turned it on and had a quick go the other day, but I played last night for a decent go, when I should have been re sealing the bath. Hmmm... not in the good books.
Moving on!!
The first thing you notice is it is very pretty. And there is no pointing. Nope. This is a wii game and the whole pointing aspect is taken away. You turn the remote sideways and play like a NES game. Very retro.
Then you notice how many options there are if you want to faff. You can register your name, and leave it at that. Or you can change your winning pose, your comments for wifi battle (4 of em, you write them yourself – YAAAAYYYY) and a whole bunch of other things.
Right then, sod that, name in, lets get a game. Then you notice how many different variations there are. Battle arena normal, everyday bomberman, and even that you can have normal sized or bigger. But then again, you can have 8 players at once. This is not the SNES version at all !!
And it is Bomberman. I like Bomberman. I loved Bomberman on the SNES, and this is almost exactly the same. It is still infuriatingly addictive and annoying at the same time. I really want to blow the others up. I don’t want to get blown up. And I love it.
So you can change how many battles you play, whether it is the first person to win so many games, or play for points. Change power ups, if they can be destroyed, whether there are viruses, everything.
And 8 players?? I am SO not used to 8 players. You can turn em off if you want. But where's the fun in that?
And even better, you can have 8 real people on one wii if you want, and if you have enough thingys. 4 Wiimotes and 4 Gamecube pads and you are there. That is a party I want to have.
There are some new power ups. Some of which you shake your remote to activate. I think the shield is my new favourite. If you ever played bomberman on the Gameboy, you will know you could get a power up that meant you could not get blown up. Made the game a bit easy:
“come towards me mister bad guy”, drop bomb, stand still, bomb blows up, I live, he doesn’t, – “murahahahahaha”!
There are different competitions. There is now one where if you get hit by a blast, a clock appears above your head, and you have 20 seconds to live !! What would you do in that time?? That’s right, try and find another player to pass it on to. Like a virus, touch another player, and the timer passes to them.
I had a lot of fun on that level playing. It makes it a bit interesting wondering if you should try blowing yourself up to pass it to another player. Hehehe
There is the king of the ring. Find a crown, carry if around, try not to get blown up. If you do, you lose the Crown and someone else can pick it up. Person wearing it at the end wins the round.
I can see a lot of people being picked on in that game !!
I think the biggest difference is the revenge. When you die, you can choose to have revenge. You get in a tiny flying saucer and haunt the edge of the screen. I expect you have all seen this. However new to me is, if you manage to kill someone, you swap and get back in the game and they get to try to wreak revenge. Love it.
There is a friend code *groan* - 12 numbers long. And you can just choose world wide or continental battles, either as a group or on your own. They all seem to be ranked when you play in the worldwide or continental. And you seem to be penalised if you keep disconnecting during a game. Quite heavily too it appears.
But yeah, friend rooms can be created, or join others. I had a quick look and no one seemed to be on in the worldwide room, it is not like Mariokart I guess where you can join in after just one game, but I will try leaving it connected at some point and see what pops up.
But like I said, loads of options.
Anyway, I love it. I cant wait to play it with humans rather than the computer. But I will. And I know I will keep coming back to it.
1000 points seems a bit steep, but with the options available, and the joy I know it will bring (as well as the annoyance), I reckon it is totally worth it.
2 Toomsy thumbs, well up !!
Need your fuse lit? Just don't strike a match too close to THE CELLAR DOOR. Tooms can probably explain why on the FORUM.
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1 smart arse replies
Labels: Bomberman, Bomberman Blast, Tooms, Wii
Friday, 26 September 2008
Don't Try This At Home
Inspired by David Blaine spending 60 hours upside down (although taking breaks every hour completely upright on his own two feet) and then completing the 'Dive of Death' (more of a jump with safety wires) I've decided to perform my own stunt this weekend. I'm going to play Rock Band for one whole hour non stop, although I will be taking regular breaks every 15 minutes for refreshments and a medical team will be on site to perform medical checks and to step in should anything go wrong during the stunt.
While for most people this would be more than enough stress to put my body through in one day, I have taken the decision to end this event with something I like to call the 'Walk of Death'. This will involve placing the controller down somewhere safe and walking completely unaided over to the sofa and sitting down. I'm currently trying to get ABC to screen it as a live 2 hour finale. Of course looking at the timings the whole thing will be over in approximately 1 hour and 30 seconds so I'll need to come up with something to fill the remaining 59 and a half minutes.
Bring it on Mr Blaine, beat that!
Any ideas will be more than welcome on the GAMEOV3R FORUM
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smart arse replies
Labels: David Blaine, Dive of Death